Monday, December 22, 2008

His Word to Me

He said, If you listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you. Exodus 15:26 (New International Version)

There are certain nuggets of truth that I need to allow God to engrave on the tablets of my heart and impress upon the walls of my mind. One of those nuggets is His title of Healer. Not just the Healer of nations and the Healer of another person’s life, but my Healer as well. I need to embrace this when I become over whelmed with places in me that still need healing. I need to verbalize this when I am tempted to give up. I need to repeat this to myself when there seem to be no other options than to just accept defeat.

This phrase, “I am the LORD who heals you” is a life line to me this morning. It is meant to anchor me with stability and safety. It is meant to keep my head above the waves on the sea of life. It is meant to be the reality I cling to in the midst of thoughts, feelings, and what my five senses experience. It is meant to assure me that He can do what I am unable to do.

One thing I have learned about healing of any kind….God will bring it about and it will take time. Maybe moments of time, decades, or a life time, but it will come. My part? Keep my ears open to His voice. Pay close attention to His daily directives. Walk in obedience to His direction and guidance. Failure to do so hinders my own progress and healing. Yet, I have come to realize that even in these areas I need His help. I need Him to develop in me listening ears, an attentive heart, and willing obedience.

I would love to say I get it right all the time but I know otherwise as do those who know me best. As does my heavenly Father. I drink in His words at a time when failure, floundering, and falling have been apparent. When my own weaknesses are blatantly apparent. When fears abound and hopelessness threatens to darken my path. In the midst of it all, He persists with His loving reminder that He is my Healer. He is my Helper. He is my All.

Father, You give me hope when I am hopeless, strength when I am weak, and clarity when I am confused. Remold this broken vessel into a masterpiece of beauty and dignity. Amen.

You Are My All in All - Michael W. Smith

I welcome your questions and comments to any devotional thoughts. I am honored and delighted to share my journey with you and privileged to hear of yours.