Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Knowing Ahead of Time

I have told you this now, before it happens, so that when it happens, you will believe. John 14:29 (New Century Version)

Jesus’ words to His disciples came while He was telling them of His departure. Numerous times He told them of what lay ahead…His arrest, crucifixion, and subsequent resurrection. He wanted them to know that things would change but this wasn’t meant to scare them. It was meant to help them live in truth. Jesus understood how easily people can be led into false sources of security and permanence. He knew their perception was one that He would remain with them in a physical body and proceed to establish His kingdom here on earth. To allow them to continue to live with such a view would not be acting out of love. It would set them up for a huge amount of disappointment when the end would come of what they knew. At the time, it was hard for them to take in all that He was telling them but that did not stop Him from saying what they needed to hear.

I have known the tragic result of thinking something was permanent when it wasn’t. Of looking at a relationship through rose colored glasses with the belief that it would never go through changes much less end. My purpose was never to do without significant this individual. My purpose was to continue to live under the safe canopy of her encouraging words, giving heart, and well of wisdom. It was where I was at and where I wanted to stay. Oh, the devastation that awaits us when we refuse to see the truth. When change did come to the relationship I feasted on, I took it as rejection and abandonment, instead of God directed and God purposed change. It has been a long and arduous road out of my valley of grief and heartache.

How different a present relationship is. I am aware of the tentative nature of this relationship. I am aware of a time coming when the scope, purpose, and necessity of this relationship will cease to be. Not the entire relationship but this aspect of it. I am aware of it because we have talked about it and it was presented to me in such a way that I could understand. My desire is no longer to continually live under the watchful care of the one God is presently using. My desire is to know God in such a way that when the time comes for change I will walk prepared and ready for that change. I can so easily go into the mode of one who hunkers down and waits for an approaching storm but that is merely self-preparation. In prayer, last night, God let me know the preparations of my heart are from Him. As I walk in obedience and openness to Him, He will get me ready for upcoming transitions.

Father, You don’t always tell me the things that lie ahead, but this time You knew that I needed to know. I will forever be grateful for such knowledge. Amen.

My Life is in Your Hands - Kathy Troccoli

He is wooing you from the jaws of distress to a spacious place free from restriction, to the comfort of your table laden with choice food. Job 36:16