Monday, November 1, 2010

Knowing God

They shall know that I am the LORD their God who brought them out of the land of Egypt, that I might dwell among them; I am the LORD their God. Exodus 29:46 (New American Standard Bible)

Countless times in the Bible, God spoke the phrase, “That they may know Me.” He is a personal God who wants to be known, understood, perceived, and acknowledged by His creation…by us. Far from distant, secretive, private, and unreachable, He is intimate and willingly reveals Himself to any who want to know Him. Some will gather the facts and continue to live their life with merely a head knowledge of God. I can tell you from personal experience, that does very little to transform one from the inside out. There is a difference between knowing about God and actually knowing God. Even on a human level this is true. I can know about a certain person without really knowing them and knowing what they are like. Much changes when I come to know them. And much changes when I truly come to know God.

The knowing of God comes through many avenues. First and foremost, it comes through Scripture where God reveals much about Himself. Even in Scripture though, I see other ways that God reveals Himself. Ways such as through creation, through experiences, through conversation, through His actions, through circumstances, and through others. He is far from limited to one way or means of self disclosure and revelation.

Because we are unique individuals with peculiar characteristics all our own and because we learn in distinctive ways, God knows the right methods to use to show Himself to us. He will always use His Word plus many (if not all) of the afore mentioned ways. Whatever it takes for us to see who He is and what He is like He will do. Our part is to become aware of what He is doing and how He is showing Himself. What He shows us is full of variety and ingenuity. Throughout each day we have the special position to see God as One who is faithful, present, powerful, attentive, passionate, caring, sustaining, loving, just, merciful, and kind.

For decades, I had a very small and distorted perception of God. To me, He was a harsh judge who tolerated me more than loved me. Over the course of the last six years my view of God has taken a radical shift. It came through asking Him to show me His heart in Scripture and showing me Himself in each day. He honors and delights in prayers such as, “Show me what You are like. Speak to me. Open my eyes to really see You and know You.” It is a life long journey and I am in awe of what I am coming to know of the One who knows me so well.

Father, for too long You were unknown to me. Continue to show me aspects of Yourself that will change the very fiber of who I am and what I am like. Transform me with the truth of who You are and what You are like. Amen.

All I Once Held Dear (Knowing You) - Robin Mark

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.