Thursday, July 30, 2009
He’s Not Going Anywhere
For such is God, Our God forever and ever; He will guide us until death. Psalm 48:14 (New American Standard Bible)
The assurance and permanence of this verse touches me deeply this morning. I need the reminder at all times, but especially when I have gotten off track, failed, faltered, and stumbled. When I bring sin stained heart, mind, and hands to my Father, I need the assurance and comfort that He is still accepting of me, still desiring me, still walking with me, and still guiding me. I need the never changing promise that He will not give up on me…ever. This verse lets me know that His guidance is for good!
Last night, I brought to Him a stretch of pit dwelling once again. It is often hard to do that when I view myself as a repeat offender in the same areas of struggle. My view of God is revealed at times when I am in need of His grace, mercy, forgiveness, and reconciliation. When I see Him as different than the father of the prodigal son or the king extravagantly forgiving a debt, I walk in the deception of my own skewed thinking and perceptions. His character and heart are unchanging as is His pledge to be my guide until death. Last night, as I confessed to Him my wrong attitudes and behavior, the forgiveness was instant….it always is. He simply waits for me to come.
Then comes the guiding part. My confession and subsequent forgiveness, open the door of my understanding to receive His guidance. Together, we review mistakes made and where it was I got off track. We talk about what steps to take in the future and what thinking to implement in the present. Like a father teaching a young child how to walk, God is constantly instructing me in how to take the daily steps necessary for growth and change.
At times, He will use individuals, but I must see them as His vessels NOT as His replacement. He is God alone and He is my Guide supreme. That must take precedence over my own fear of failure and realization that I don’t always get it right or do it right. Satan would choose to define me by my lack of perfection and inconsistencies. God chooses to define me by who He is and what He is doing in my life. While I must cooperate with Him and seek intimate relationship with Him, my confidence lies in His ability rather than my inability.
As the hymn states it so well, “Come just as you are.” It is not always pretty but it is definitely necessary.
Father, Your open arms still surprise me. Thank you for all that You do to change my image of You. Amen.
You Are My Hiding Place - Maranatha Singers
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.