Monday, May 31, 2010
Guaranteed Returns
As you have done, it will be done to you. Your dealings will return on your own head. Obadiah 1:15 (New International Version)
Our actions matter to God. The way we treat others and respond to the situations of their life is noticed! What comes to your mind when you read today’s verse? It will all depend on how you have interacted with people. If we really understood what God is saying we would put more thought into the way we are living our lives. Throughout Scripture, God presents the reaping and sowing principle. Count on this….there will be a harvest. God is giving us the opportunity to make sure that harvest is good.
Let’s get practical! Do I live my life out of graciousness, forgiveness, generosity, tolerance, and benevolence? God says it will come back on me. Do I live my life out of selfishness, anger, impatience, revenge, and bitterness? God also says that will come back on me. What I want must be what I am demonstrating to others. It is not a matter of waiting for others to treat me the way I want to be treated and then acting in response to their goodness. That is backwards thinking. God’s way is for me to take the initiative and act first. When I do so, in the right way, I am following the pattern God has shown me….time and time again.
Sometimes we hesitate to live with other’s best interests at heart because we fear our needs will go unmet. God reminds us that will not be the case. We can trust Him on this one. It is like a boomerang! What I send out always comes back to me. Maybe not from the person I extended the goodness to, but it will come back. That is what He meant when He said, “Give and it shall be given unto you. Pressed down, shaken, and running over.”
A few illustrations come to mind….driving! I find that when I am prone to give way to other drivers the same is done back to me countless times. But when I drive selfishly and impatiently I can count on other drivers being just as rude toward me. As I encourage others, encouragement comes my way. As I give to others I become a recipient later on to an act of kindness. God said it this way, “To have friends you must show yourself friendly.” Part of living by faith is realizing goodness comes back to me that I have extended to others. I count on that harvest!
Father, help me to live my life giving away the very things You have given to me. May I demonstrate Your heart to others. Amen.
Make Me A Servant - Maranatha Singers
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Waiting for Direction
Abram called on the name of the Lord…The Lord said to Abram, after Lot had left him….For all the land which you see I will give to you and to your posterity forever. And I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth…..arise, walk through the land….for I will give it to you. Then Abram moved his tent. Genesis 13:4, 14-18 (New American Standard Bible)
Have you ever had a difficult decision to make and weren’t quite sure what to do? I am learning that it is imperative that I learn to wait until I have discerned what it is God wants me to do. My personality is such that it is very easy for me to base decisions on emotions and the opinions of the people in my life. I am a “spur-of-the-moment” kind of person. I have spent the past couple of years departing from comfort zones, jumping off cliffs of security, and running with abandon into freedom. It has been quite interesting and necessary. But now I am sensing a shift in my own decision making processes. I am learning to wait!
I watch God’s interaction with Abram and find it settling. Genesis 13 is a chapter of returning, removing, and reaching for Abram. God brings him back to Bethel….a place of altar-building and decision making. Sometimes it is necessary for us to return to our own Bethels and realign ourselves with God’s agenda. It is a time to assess what it is God is doing in us, through us, and around us.
The first thing Abram is confronted with is disunity. The land is not big enough to support the herds of both Lot and Abram. A choice to separate is made with Lot being allowed to choose first. He picks what he believes to be the prime real estate and moves on. It is then that God gives some clear direction to Abram which is full of rich promises. He is promised land as far as his eye can see and descendents that are without number. Abram’s move comes after clear direction from God.
May I too learn to wait for clear direction from my heavenly Father. He will let me know in my spirit what I am to do, how I am to do it, and when I am to do it. There will be no confusion or second guessing. He may use the counsel of friends but I will not limit Him to that option alone. As I open myself up to hear His voice in this matter, I can rest assured He will speak.
Father, I desire to hear from You. I rest in the fact that I will know when You have given me direction. It is You I long to follow. Amen.
With All I Am - Hillsong
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
The Gift of Examples
Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. 1 Corinthians 10:11 (New American Standard Bible)
I am a visual person. I comprehend and learn better when something is shown to me rather than just spoken to me. God is gracious. He is extravagant in giving me examples to learn life lessons from. Some of those examples are found on the pages of Scripture and some of those examples are found in the lives of people who lived long after the Bible was complete. Today I am at a place whereby I need the review of examples to refresh my walk and broaden my view of the journey.
I am thinking back to the children of Israel in the wilderness. Forty years! And how did they spend most of their time? Complaining, whining, discontent, and argumentative. What did they miss? Seeing God’s provision, protection, power, and presence in their every day lives. It seems they were constantly looking at what others had, where others were going, and what others were doing instead of keeping their eyes, heart, and mind on the living God. God still remained faithful but the wonder of that faithfulness and the joy of living as recipients of that faithfulness were absent from their experience. Time and time again God did the things He did and said the things He said so that they would KNOW Him. Yet they ended up knowing so little about Him. God would have me learn from their example.
Each day that I live, I am the recipient of His grace, favor, direction, protection, and provision. He is not absent from me at any moment! He is faithfully working behind the scenes to unfold His plan and purpose for my life. He is doing a work in me in order that I would know Him and live life to the fullest. I lose the joy and wonder of it all when I start doubting any of that is true. My expectations dwindle when I begin to believe God is not involved, interested, or interceding in my life. My peace departs when I forget that I am in partnership with Him and will see His dreams for my life fulfilled. Above all I want to know Him and then I want to experience all that He has in mind for me. I bring to Him trust and obedience to His daily revelations and commands. He brings to me substance and sustenance of an abundant life.
Today, I choose to meditate on what He has done in the lives of His other children in history as well as the present. His work in and through them will do much to encourage me each step of the way. He offers no less to me and will faithfully carry out His best for me.
Father, help me to follow You with abandon! Fulfill every dream and intent You have for my life. Don’t let me miss a thing along the way. Fill me with the wonder and joy of You! Amen.
Everlasting God - Lincoln Brewster
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Breaking the Silence
“Am I a God near at hand,” says the LORD, “And not a God afar off? Can anyone hide himself in secret places, so I shall not see him?” says the LORD; “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” says the LORD. Jeremiah 23:23,24 (New King James Version)
God’s Word brings comfort to me this morning. As I reflect upon feelings and emotions I do not like to experience, loneliness tops the list. There are times I want to be with people and yet I have experienced loneliness even in a crowd. When it seems I cannot reach others or be reached by them, separation envelopes me and I grow lonely. I can begin to feel isolated, invisible, and forgotten. I use to not know what to do with the thoughts. It seemed I had no choice but to curl up with the ache until it went away or something happened to distract me. If nothing else, I could hope for evening when I could just fall asleep and not feel any of it. God has a better way and I have choices!
I am learning that the raw emotions and discomforts of life are not meant to be ignored, glossed over, or denied. What I think and feel is meant to be acknowledged and voiced to God. He invites me to tell Him how I am feeling and when I am feeling it. The ache of my heart is never hidden from Him or ignored by Him. He wants me to know I am safe to tell Him about it and give the feelings to Him. He always stands ready to give me some exchanges. If it is lies I am believing, He offers truth. If it is loneliness I am feeling, He offers me His presence. If it is fear I am experiencing, He offers me courage. If it is insignificance I am sensing, He offers me worth and acceptance. The list is endless as are His offers.
Learning to go to Him and accept His offers has been slow in coming. I grew up being hesitant to share that which was hidden in my head and heart. The enemy of my soul had convinced me that silence was best when it came to areas of hurt, shame, or disappointment. But God, in His graciousness, placed people in the path of my life to coax me out my self imposed prison and as I opened up to them they counseled, nurtured, and helped me. His purpose in ministering to me through the body of Christ was so that I would eventually learn to go to Him. What people could do for me was a mere shadow of what He stood ready and willing to do for me. But He continues to leave the choice to me as to whether or not I will take Him up on His offer. I am learning to choose wisely and I am the richer for it!
Father, I kept silent when you longed for me to speak to You. I carried pain that You invited me to give to You. May those choices no longer mark my life. Amen.
Shout to the Lord - Darlene Zschech
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
What to Feed On
Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Psalm 37:3 (New King James Version)
I can feed on (meditate, fix my thoughts on, and mull over) many things. I wouldn’t call myself a worrier, but my mind can become preoccupied with energy-draining, spirit-weakening, heart-burdening things that have absolutely no value or benefit. I can become consumed with thoughts of inadequacy, failure, what others think, unfulfilled desires, and limitations, but none of those serve a good purpose. They distract me from all that God would have me focus on and direct my attention. They rob me of the peace, contentment, and confidence that God would have me walk in and live out of on a daily basis. As one friend put it when I shared with her my tendency to dwell on a particular situation, “You have no business going there!” She was right, because allowing my thoughts to be on unnecessary things robs me of energy needed to do the right thing.
A sermon I once heard helped me to realize that what I focus on determines the direction of my words, actions, and attitudes. Today’s verse sandwiches my actions between God’s invitation and command to trust Him and feed on His faithfulness. His faithfulness is my sustenance, provision, and power for living. It might be His faithfulness toward me or other people. It might be His faithfulness so clearly seen in Scripture. There is not a story in the Bible that does not display the faithfulness of God. Many are the individuals who experienced God’s faithful call on their life and His faithfulness to carry out that call. I love the verse that says, “Faithful is He who calls you, who will also do it” (1 Thess. 5:24). True also, is His faithfulness demonstrated in the lives of those I know or about whom I read. That encourages me because I know God will act faithfully on my behalf as well.
Trusting God and feeding on His faithfulness are the extensions and benefits of being in close relationship with Him….one of intimate friendship. What He is doing on a continual basis is removing all that hinders me from enjoying such a rapport and connection with Him. His desire is that my associations, mindsets, and motives be conducive to growth and strength. That which weakens me is what He is working to weed out of my life. Is the process easy or enjoyable? Not usually. But whether I cooperate with or strain at His hand, His faithfulness continues. That’s what I carry with me into today. Let the feasting begin!
Father, Your faithfulness is beyond my ability to fully grasp but that does not stop me from reaching out to You. Thank you for Your demonstrations of faithfulness which are new and abundant each day! Amen.
What a Faithful God - Robert Critchley
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
However, there was no accounting required of them for the money delivered into their hands, because they dealt faithfully. 2 Kings 22:7 Amplified Bible
Money was given to carpenters, builders, and masons to repair the damages to the temple. No receipts were demanded, no doubts were felt, and no one had to double check to make sure the money was being properly used. Why? The workers had proven themselves trustworthy and the ones giving the money had trusting hearts. It is a picture of unity that God delights in!
The strength in any relationship lies in the ability to trust and be trusted. What is it that can be entrusted to us with abandon? What is it that we are able to entrust to others with abandon? How many people in your life hold such a place of trust for you? How many people unquestioningly hold that same trust in you? Nothing hurts more or wounds deeper than to experience betrayal at the hands of another. Be it in marriage, business, church, family, or friendship. Jesus knew what it was like to be betrayed by one of His disciples. Joseph knew what it was like to be betrayed by his own flesh and blood. Who we trust and who trusts us will be determined by track records.
As much as we may wish for all individuals to be trustworthy, we are neither wise nor discerning to live with a blind faith. Jesus warned of wolves in sheep’s clothing. He told us to test the spirits. He spoke of people being led astray. No matter the level of relationship His warning is clear that there will be the risk of an abuse of trust. How imperative then that we ask Him to help us stay alert to any warning signs. Not everyone we come into contact with is trustworthy. But as a child of God trustworthiness should mark our lives.
What are some areas of trust we may find ourselves in? Responsibilities at work. Our employers should not have to wonder whether or not we are giving them our best and the jobs are being done with high standards. Commitment to our wedding vows. Our spouses should never loose sleep or peace of mind over the thought that we would be unfaithful. Things shared in confidence. The deep things of another person’s life should be handled as treasure. Fulfilling our promises. Even when the commitment suddenly means we will be inconvenienced it should still be carried out. Advice we give to others. We need to give advice that lines up with Scripture and God’s principles for life. Reputations of another. We should be able to take the things we have learned and make them a matter of prayer rather than future topics of destruction.
Many things may cause us to mistrust others but NOTHING should hinder us from being a person others can trust.
Father, no one is as trustworthy as You! As Your Spirit lives in me, help me to become more like You. Amen.
He's Been Faithful - Damaris Carbaugh
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
The Ingredients for a Different Life
And he did what was right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his father David had done.2 Kings 18:3 (New King James Version)
As I read through 2 Kings I am struck by how many kings are described as doing evil in the sight of the Lord. The few times that it states a king doing right in the sight of the Lord always grab my attention. The first six verses of 2 Kings gives an amazing list of what Hezekiah did that was right in God’s eyes. I like to think of it as God’s brag book on His servant. Since it is important enough to make its way into the pages of Scripture it is important enough to gaze upon. Look at what this king did!
He removed the high places, broke down the sacred pillars, cut down the Asherah, broke in pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made (because the people were worshiping it), trusted in the LORD, clung to the LORD, and kept His commandments. The things he broke down and destroyed had to do with the idolatry of the nation of Israel. The breaking down of those things were the results of Hezekiah’s personal walk with the LORD. Though many kings before and after him did just the opposite, Hezekiah broke the generational bents and ruled his life and his kingdom with love, obedience, and dependence on the King of Kings. The result was that God was with him and wherever he went he prospered.
I see a principle here that God has established. My private relationship with God will have an effect on my public relationship with people. As I open His Word and allow it to take hold of me, it has a profound effect on the choices I make, the things I do, the things I say, the way I treat others, and the person I am in my home. As I trust the Lord, cling to Him, and obey Him, He is reshaping and remaking me from the inside out. While I can change outward behavior only God can change my heart. And with that change of heart comes a change of life style.
It is never too late to open God’s Word and say, “Father, speak to me. Show me who You are and what You are like. Make me hungry for You. Make me thirsty for You. Be the One to satisfy me in the deepest parts of my being. Help me to take hold of You with both hands and all of my heart.” The results will astound you as God answers the cries of your heart!
Father, my life changes when it was You I chose to trust, cling to, and obey. Continue to do Your work in me as I sit on the Potter’s wheel. Amen.
The Motions - Matthew West
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Seeing it the Way God Sees It
This is but a slight thing in the sight of the LORD. 2 Kings 3:18 (New American Standard Bible)
What can compare to God speaking the worlds into existence? Think of the majestic mountains, the vast oceans, the intricate details of a flower, the force of a waterfall, the wonder of the human body. All brought into existence by the words of God’s mouth. What He conceived in His mind He spoke into being.
I look at the miracles in the Bible and I marvel at the vast array. Water from a rock, dry paths through the Red Sea and Jordan River, 40 years of manna in the wilderness, barren wombs bringing forth life, blind eyes seeing, the lame walking (leaping and running), a boy’s lunch feeding thousands, the dead brought to life, storms at sea calmed with a word, numerous battles fought and won in creative ways. Not to mention the miracles of the heart. Atheists becoming Christians, persecutors of the church becoming preachers, lifestyles changing, God’s Word becoming understandable and alive.
The things I bring to God begin to shrink in comparison to these things. So often I think of the size and difficulty of my requests and yet God wants me to see that what seems so huge in my mind is a slight thing in His sight. Not that it isn’t important. For every detail and concern of my life is of utmost importance to Him. If it matters to me it matters to Him. Not only do my tears touch His heart but so do the reasons they fall. What is slight in the sight of the LORD is not my situation, my need, my desire, my request but rather what it will take for God to intervene, answer, and act.
God does not look at the difficulty of my situation in the same way I do. It took no more strength for Him to divide the Red Sea than to turn water into wine. I come to Him like a kindergartener approaching a college professor with a question about simple addition. It is like asking a marathon runner to jog around the block. Like asking a weight lifter to carry a small suitcase for me. If I compare my need to God’s strength, wisdom, and ability I begin to understand His question when He said, “Is anything to hard for Me?”
Father, let me fully comprehend Your vastness as I bring any situation or request to You! What is slight to You has me in awe! Amen.
Is Anything too Hard for God
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Truth That Was Skewed
Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy. Proverbs 27:6 (New American Standard Bible)
Wounds go deep. A physical wound may require anything from a bandage to stitches to major reconstructive surgery. An emotional wound is often harder to detect and more difficult to remedy. The first time I ever read this verse I equated it to simply being told the truth by a friend even if the truth hurt. It was a concept that made me squirm. Why? I didn’t like being hurt, even if it was for my good and even if it was necessary. Why? Because I developed a spirit of suspicion toward others at a young age.
Discipline, correction, and punishment in our home was often given out in anger, impatience, irritation, and harshness. Afterwards there was not a time for reassurance of love or welcoming back into good graces. I simply waited until things seemed to be back to “normal” and life went on. Hence, when my actions evoked the displeasure of my parents, the message I took in was that I was unlikeable, burdensome, disgusting, and unloved. There was not an opportunity to develop a healthy attitude when it came to being corrected, even by well meaning people. I didn’t realize until years later that my view of being corrected and my view of the one doing the correcting was skewed. What God had intended to be a picture of His heart for sin, correction, and reconciliation, had quickly been distorted by the father of lies, Satan.
This distortion did not begin or end with my parents. It was the experience they were raised with and it became my own experience when it came to my correcting others. The day I saw my parents in me was a jolt beyond words. But God is assuring me the cycle can be broken. He is not only capable of helping me to see the right view of friend-induced wounds but the right way to be that kind of friend to others. It comes as I admit my own bankruptcy in this area and my own weaknesses. It entails discovering the root of my attitude about myself and others. It demands confession of my wrongs, exchanging many lies for truth, and a desire to see life from God’s perspective. He has given me countless individuals in the Bible who did it right and many who did it wrong. As I read their examples, may they become my personal tutors in the school of life.
Father, I have experienced changes in some areas and have a long way to go in others. Your unchanging love for me helps me to continue this process of growth. Amen.
Make It Real - Mark Lowry
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Finding the Answer to the Question
Where is the LORD, the God of Elijah? 2 Kings 2:14 (New American Standard Bible)
These words were voiced by Elisha just after Elijah was taken to heaven by a chariot of fire and horses of fire. He had walked with Elijah long enough to see God’s mighty work and involvement in his life. He had no doubt God’s hand was on Elijah’s life and ministry. He knows he is to succeed him as the next prophet to Israel. This question is his request for God to be as powerful in his own life. I know how he feels!
I too have looked at the characters in the Bible and at the lives of Christians I have known and marveled at God’s work in their lives. There is no doubt of God’s calling on them. I enjoy looking at their life as a whole and seeing how God orchestrated the details of their life in a profound way. How He weaved the color schemes of their life into a magnificent portrait. But when it comes to my own life it is easy to miss God’s involvement unless I purposefully go back and see what has transpired so far.
Whenever I sing the song “Great is Thy Faithfulness” my mind immediately begins to play back the scenes of my life. I close my eyes and the “movie” begins to play out itself in vivid fashion. I marvel at the scenes that unfold: my salvation experience, graduating from high school and then Bible school, moving to Colorado to teach in a Christian school, meeting and marrying my husband, Tim, giving birth to our three children, making our move to Indianapolis, stepping back into teaching, finding freedom in Christ six years ago, resigning from teaching and seeing God provide full time employment, and daily learning to walk with Him in a whole new way. I also review the precious people He has brought into my life. This simple exercise never fails to bring me to tears as I become fully aware of God’s personal and powerful involvement in my life.
The same God who lived in the lives of Bible characters and demonstrates Himself in the lives of precious Christians I know today, is my God and heavenly Father! He is just as involved, just as personal, and just as interested in me as any of His other children. In that I rejoice and take great delight! Where is the God of Elijah? Living right in each of us who know Christ as Savior!
Father, You have once again over whelmed me with Your touch, favor, and presence. Today is another opportunity to see Your face, feel Your hands, and know Your heart. I love You! Amen.
He's Been Faithful - Damaris Carbaugh
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
A Promise Keeper
Thus says the LORD: Do not be afraid of the words which you have heard, with which the servants of the king of Assyria have blasphemed Me. Surely I will send a spirit upon him, and he shall hear a rumor and return to his own land; and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land. 2 Kings 19:6-7 (New King James Version)
I find delight and comfort in God’s words for Hezekiah. As king of Judah, he and his people were being threatened by the king of Assyria. They had a track record of defeating many nations and boasted of that track record to Hezekiah. Their desire was to intimidate, distract, and eventually defeat God’s people. Yet God gives specific promises to Hezekiah that come true by the end of the chapter. In essence He says the king of Assyria will leave and be killed by the sword in his own land. What transpired was on a certain night 180,000 Assyrians were killed by the angel of the Lord and the Assyrian king went back to his homeland. While worshiping his god, Nisroch, his own sons killed him with the sword. Promise given, promise kept!
So why my delight and comfort? For the simple fact, that while God does not give me specific details for my daily situations, He nonetheless gives me promises to cling to. When faced with fears, He says, “Do not be afraid, I will never leave you.” When faced with disappointment, He says, “Do not be afraid, I will work all things out for good.” When faced with needs, He says, “Do not be afraid, I will meet all your needs.” When faced with loss, He says, “Do not be afraid, I will restore the years the locus have eaten.” When faced with difficult tasks, He says, “Do not be afraid, I will strengthen you and uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
He does not give me the specifics but He does give me the promises. Just as His promises were fulfilled countless times in Scripture they will continued to be fulfilled to me. As I look back I can attest to promises already fulfilled. Those reviews give me added assurance of future fulfillments. Walking by faith and not by sight does not mean I won’t see, it simply means I won’t see it ahead of time. So in times of testing, trials and troubles it is imperative that I verbally proclaim His promises to me and passionately claim them as His precious words to me. His desire is that, like Hezekiah, I bring the situations to Him and then listen as He reminds me of what He has promised to do.
Seeing the promises, accepting the promises, and living under the certainty of His promises is how I want to live my Christian life. No one but God offers such a gift!
Father, thank you that I am not left on my own to battle or survive this life. You are the ultimate promise Giver and Keeper. In that I rest. Amen.
I Will Sing - Don Moen
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Truth for the Maladies
My flesh and my heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26 (New King James Version)
Two of the most difficult things for me to do on a daily basis are acknowledge the truth about myself and keep my eyes focused on the One who is remaking me. I want continual, consistent victory. To always walk in strength and not weakness, fellowship and not loneliness, stability and not confusion. And when that is not the case I grieve, sigh, and cringe.
David knew how I feel. Read through the Psalms and you will see a man who knew how to voice fear, failure, frustration, weakness, anger, loneliness, regret, rejection, and pain. He was not one to sugar-coat his disposition or circumstances. He wasn’t one to spit out “bumper-sticker” phrases and “feel-good” philosophies. Yet he was called a man after God’s own heart and one reason was because the truth about God always over shadowed the truth about himself. God was the answer to every part of his life.
So when my flesh, inner person, mind, will, emotions, and soul fail, that does not have to be the end of my story. It does not have to be the summation of my life. Above every negative thing I know to be true about myself must hang the banner of truth which says, “God is my strength!” I must make that the home for my heart. It must be where I choose to live and breathe.
It is a continual process of taking my words, thoughts, emotions, and feelings and shining the light of truth on them. Allowing the Word of God to expose the lies and then deciding to believe God rather than believe the lies. There is a biblical truth to be embraced for every destructive malady in me. My loneliness is met with “I am with you always.” My self-loathing is met with “I have loved you with an everlasting love.” My sense of abandonment is met with “I will never leave you.” My feelings of hopelessness are met with “I know the plans I have for you.” My areas of weakness are met with “I am your strength and redeemer.” My sin is met with “I forgive you. I do not condemn you.” My failure is met with “I have established your steps.” God will not fail to show me the truths I need to hold close.
Father, Your whispers and reminders are precious to me. Help me to continually come home to You. Amen.
Stong Tower - Kutless
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
A Portrait of Love
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (New King James Version)
A Bible study discussion last night centered on the subject of love. Feeling loved as well as contributing to others feeling loved. This morning, I am reviewing the definition of love as found in 1 Corinthians 13. The first three verses let me know actions without love (though noble) are really empty and amount to nothing in God’s eyes. I imagine the reason for that is because something besides love can drive the actions. Ever have someone do something nice for you but their demeanor clouded the whole thing? Ever have someone tell you they loved you but their facial expression, physical poise, and sense of distance left the words feeling hollow? Ever find yourself going through the motions yourself?
As I read through verses 4-7 I am acutely aware of God needing to teach me to truly love others. Each phrase seems opposite of what I know to be the condition of my heart many times. If I were to slip my name into each of the phrases it would sound foreign to me, “Pam suffers long and is kind; Pam does not envy; Pam does not parade herself, Pam is not puffed up; Pam does not behave rudely; Pam does not seek her own, Pam is not easily provoked, Pam thinks no evil; Pam does not rejoice in iniquity, but Pam rejoices in the truth; Pam bears all things, Pam believes all things, Pam hopes all things, Pam endures all things.” It would sound foreign because I find myself being impatient, envying, focusing on myself, behaving rudely, wanting my own way, taking things personally, thinking the worst of others, embracing false perceptions, disbelieving, doubting, and giving up. I see relationships driven more by wanting my needs met rather than true interest in the other person.
If this were the end of the story I would walk away discouraged, defeated, and disheartened. I didn’t list those things to self condemn. I wrote them to reveal and acknowledge what I need to bring to God and see where I need His help, grace, and molding in my life. He is the ultimate Lover! 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 is a portrait of Himself and it is the pattern by which He desires to paint my portrait. He knows that in my flesh and on my own I am incapable of living and walking in love. He knows that my selfish motives and areas of neediness can often get in the way. For that reason, I call upon Him and fall upon Him.
Father, You aren’t just loving, You are love. Teach me to love! Amen.
Work of God Speak - Mercy Me
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
When a Thorn Exists
And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure. 2 Corinthians 12:7 (New King James Version)
We are not told the nature of Paul’s thorn in the flesh. Some have suggested it may have been a problem with his eyes. I, for one, like the fact that God chose not to have it revealed to us in Scripture. For if He had specified what Paul’s thorn in the flesh was, we would be quick to limit it to only that category. Nonetheless, we are given some aspects of Paul’s thorn. God allowed it, God used it, and God refused to remove it.
I have but one area in my life that I am coming to see as a thorn. Not a thorn in my flesh but rather a thorn in my life. It has been a source of frustration, aggravation, discomfort, and torment to me on countless occasions. It has brought an end to some relationships and turmoil to others. At times I have thought I knew how to keep it ineffective only to watch as it reared its ugly head once again. My thorn? My area of concern? Emotional dependency. In short, looking to people to give me what only God can give me. Looking to certain individuals to fill the ache, heal the wounds, and somehow take care of my emotional needs. I have lived enamored by them as well as obsessed with them. I have walked with shame and regret too many times to count and have feared this area of my life would never change.
I am now at a point whereby I want to begin seeing things differently. I want to see that, as in the case of Paul, this can be used to keep me from thinking too highly of myself as well as help me to minister to others without a sense of looking down on them. After all, how do you look down on someone who struggles in an area that you can still taste in your own life? Above that, I can accept the grace God offers each time the dependency over whelms me. I can also be thankful for an area in my life that keeps directing my attention toward the only Source capable of bringing me through each battle.
Am I giving up on the hope of complete deliverance? No. It could still happen or the day could come when my reliance upon God far out weighs my need for people. But until that happens, I am finding new strength to withstand the emotional onslaught that comes with this thorn of mine.
Father, I can hear You whisper the same words to me that You spoke to Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you.” They comfort and strengthen me. In You, I sing a victor’s song. Amen.
His Strength Is Perfect - Steven Curtis Chapman
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Don't Be Fooled
If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless. James 1:26 (New King James Version)
We are susceptible and vulnerable to self deception because we have deceptive and defective hearts. It is one thing to manipulate and fool the people around us. It is quite another to be so self deceived that we don’t even realize we have believed, bought, and embraced a lie. The lies are the very fibers that make up the material for the garments of hypocrisy we wear. Change will not occur because we don’t even understand there is a need for change. Hence, without revelation from God we will continue to cloak ourselves in a wardrobe of fruitless, purposeless, aimless living.
One litmus test for true religion is the bridling of the tongue. A person can have all the external manifestations of religion down pat and have it all come up worthless if there is no curbing of their words. Too often, we want to limit this to swearing or crude speech, but God wants us to go deeper and broader. While our conversations should be free of curse words, they should also be free of gossip, negative talk, lies, innuendos, exaggerations, boasting, putting others down, prejudice, and coveting (to name a few). All the church activities, Bible studies, doctrinal stands, and witnessing will be empty and futile if our speech continues to go unchecked, uncurbed, unchanged, and unguarded.
In order to avoid self deception I must be willing to let God show me the truth about myself, not only in the things I am saying but in all areas of my life. I want to know what would make my practice of religion profitless in God‘s eyes. Understand, this verse is not referring to salvation. Salvation is a relationship with God through faith in Christ. This verse is referring to the outward manifestation of that relationship. Think of the changes that could come about if just this one area of our speech would become apparent and fully realized. This is not a matter of looking around and seeing whether or not others are guarding their speech, it is a matter of each examining himself. And it starts with asking God to show us individually where we need to make some changes.
Our “speech therapy” needs to take place in our homes, work places, churches, and any other place whereby we are in the company of others. May God help us to not only detect our wrong usage of words but to replace them with words of truth, encouragement, and life! Not only the words we verbalize to others but also the words we say to ourselves.
Father, Your words are true and powerful. They always produce fruit and never return void. Make me like You. Amen.
We Will Glorify - Twila Paris
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Seeing Him
By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured as seeing Him who is invisible. Hebrews 11:27 (New King James Version)
It is imperative that we begin seeing Him who is invisible. Seeing Him as the ever present, ever involved God that He is. I am asking myself the question this morning, “How do I see God?” What view and perception do I have of Him?
Do I see Him as my Provider? The One who knows every need of my heart, mind, body, and soul? The One who has promised to meet those needs in ways that far surpass the ways I would go about meeting them myself? He longs for me to rest in His awareness, availability, and ability.
Do I see Him as my Protector? The One who guards me and hovers over me as a mother eagle does her young? Nothing escapes His notice or supercedes His ability and desire to keep me from and in all forms of danger and harm. He stands ready to defend me, secure me, and protect me in any and all situations. My physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional well being are in His hands and He will never fail at the job of having my back!
Do I see Him as my Potter? The One who is molding my life into a portrait of His Son? Though marred, broken, and misshaped at times, He is not limited by my past failures, insecurities, or wounds. He has promised that the end result for me will be a masterpiece of beauty and a unique display of His craftsmanship. I may not always enjoy the process or tools that He wisely chooses to use, but I trust the outcome of His handiwork.
Do I see Him as my Pruner? The One who cuts away and removes all that is harmful or no longer necessary in my life? The change of relationships, the removal of comfort zones, the development of His gifts and calling, the altering of personal plans, the elimination of anything that is not of Him. He is the skilled Husbandman who has His eye and hand on every area of my life. He knows the fruit that will result with every clip!
Do I see Him as my Planner? Absolutely nothing intersects my world without first passing through His hands. He has planned the path and the pattern of my walk with Him. He has a call on my life and a purpose for me being here. I don’t see the full picture yet but He does. I rest in Him.
Father, open my eyes to all that You are. I want to see You as all of these and more. Amen.
Knowing You - Robyn Mark
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Friday, May 7, 2010
A Different Wardrobe
Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; Colossians 3:12 (New King James Version)
Putting on and extending to others tender mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, and longsuffering does not come naturally to us. Of late, I am acutely aware of how quickly I can put on just the opposite. The slightest thing can find me clothing myself in resentment, impatience, intolerance, suspicion and agitation. But I am noticing something that I have never noticed before. It takes more energy and robs me of joy when I put on what comes naturally as opposed to what God instructs me to put on.
It takes a lot of energy to hold a grudge. I have to keep reminding myself of the offense and the offender. It affects my relationships and keeps me in a perpetual state of turmoil. Yesterday, I took some steps to change the direction of my attitude and actions and I was struck by the lightness that came to me because of it. It actually felt good to clear away the mental list I had been holding on to. It felt good to talk to the ones I had been avoiding. It felt good to feel comfortable in their presence.
This morning, I admit to a bit of confusion. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why being resentful and vengeful were ever so appealing to me. I cannot think of one advantage that it gave or one benefit anyone (myself included) derived from it. Fitful nights of sleep and uncomfortable social settings certainly aren’t things to be desired. When I am alone and nursing a perpetual wound, who is even aware of it but God and me? My conclusion is that it is all a painful waste of time.
Life is too short to spend my energies and time on that which displeases God, disrespects others, and keeps me bound in apparel not meant for me. God is slowly showing me practical ways to begin living differently. He is showing me the necessity to release offenses to Him the moment I am aware of the sting. He is giving me right actions to take. He is even showing me a “wardrobe” that will be much more pleasing and appealing to wear. Indeed, as His elected, holy, and beloved daughter I am called to look and act like it. I am empowered by His Spirit to look and act like it.
A friend of mine likes to reference the show NCIS whereby a certain character is continually smacking individuals upside the head to get their attention. For me, the letters will stand for New Choices I See and they are coming as God tenderly “smacks” me with necessary truths.
Father, I love the fact that You never leave me to my own vices, choices, and ways. I stand in awe of You as You work in me. Amen.
Your Name - Phillips, Craig, & Dean
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
The Ways of Love
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (New International Version)
I have spent the past number of days nursing a hurt. Something was said to me that cut me to the core and continues to cut as I continue to rehearse it. Today’s passage reveals several things that transpired in that moment of words that wounded me. It reveals my own heart condition and what it will look like to change that condition.
I was easily angered, I have kept a record of the wrong done to me because I have continually thought about it, I have not been kind or patient toward the person who spoke the words, I have been rude in my noticeable distancing and avoiding. How far from the description of love I have been….how far from the example of love Christ shows to me!
I look at the last part of this passage and I see love in action. It acts rather than reacts to the people and circumstances of my life. There are several scenarios that play across my mind this morning whereby I need to ask God to help me initiate love toward others. Rather than curl up with my anger, perceptions, hurt feelings, or injured ego, I need to find shelter in His wings and His ways.
So how do I go about implementing the truths He is showing me this morning? I start with confession for where I have been wrong. I admit to God the sin of my heart, mind, and actions. I receive the forgiveness that He so unreservedly offers to me. I ask Him to show me practical ways to walk in love toward any I have been avoiding. I resist (through His grace) the temptation to give in to my flesh and just continue doing what I have been doing. This is not about the other person deserving it or a guarantee another’s attitude or actions will change. This is about walking in love so as to free me and reach out to others for their sake.
God has demonstrated every aspect of 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 to me innumerable times. He has placed individuals in front of me as well to show me through their examples how to walk in this kind of love. Now He invites me to join Him and follow His example.
Father, while You see my resistance, You also see my desire to live differently. Change in me is what I seek. Amen.
Power of Your Love - Hillsong
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
When the Two Clash
For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9 (Amplified Bible)
Often I am challenged to ask myself if I really believe what I am reading from God’s Word or if they are just lofty thoughts that have yet to be fully embraced by me. The moment of truth comes when I face difficulties, disappointments, and the hardships of life. Not when the sun is shining and everything is going my way, but when the storms of life descend upon my peaceful world. Those are the times when what I really believe comes to the surface. Those are the times I must acknowledge the truth of my own heart.
Not only are God’s ways and thoughts higher than my own but often they are quite different from my own. I would like to say that when there is conflict between the two, I very easily lay down my will for His. I gladly release my grip to take His hand. I venture forth with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. I would like to say that is the norm for me, but the truth of the matter is that I more often find myself resisting the changes He brings about.
I can so easily resist the change of relationships when His plans and purposes for those relationships have been fully accomplished. How easy it is to wrap myself in a mantle of grief over loss and resist the invitation to move forward into new relationships. I can look back over my life as if it were a canyon scene with many mountain ranges. At various places I see the past “nests” of relationships that God allowed me to remain in for a while. What I failed to see was that it was always His hand that rustled the nests in order to move me on to higher places with Himself. Instead, I could only see my hurt and ask myself a host of unanswerable questions. Far too many times I would have chosen to stay indefinitely and resist the call to His ways and thoughts. What I have learned is God will remove me whether I go willingly or not. It simply means with unwillingness I will experience more pain than is necessary.
It is that way no matter what area of life is out of my control. Be it health, finances, relationships, employment, dreams, expectations, or daily happenings, it always comes down to His ways and thoughts being higher than my own. I once again acknowledge that as truth and embrace it afresh.
Father, resistance to Your ways and thoughts carries a price tag I no longer want to pay. I surrender. Amen.
Knees to the Earth - Watermark
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Imitate Not Duplicate
I am not writing this to shame you, but to warn you, as my dear children. Even though you have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel. Therefore I urge you to imitate me. 1 Corinthians 4:14-16 (New International Version)
As a young Christian, I watched others closely. What they did, I did. What they did not do, I did not do. Why? Because the Christian life was so new to me that I wanted to learn how to live it correctly. Other believers were my example and I was blessed to be part of a church that had plenty for me to watch and follow.
As a young adult, that watching and following became different. A lack of love and appreciation for the person God created me to be led to a desire to be someone other than myself. I found it easy to take on another person’s mannerisms, personality, posture, even their voice. To be like them gave me a sense of worth and value that being myself did not afford. I had gone from following to copying and there is a difference.
When Paul told others to imitate him he did not desire for them to become clones of himself. He knew that each person is unique and one of a kind. He knew that God’s plan did not entail the disappearance of that uniqueness. How boring the world would be if only one type of flower existed. How dull meals would be if only one taste existed. Variety and individuality is a gift God has given us in the whole of creation including each and every person.
Paul took his role seriously as an example setter. The life he lived in Christ was one that could be watched and followed so that others could learn to grow in their own walk with Christ. He joyed over their growth and the results that came from that growth. He beamed with the delight of a parent as he watched his “children” in Christ become all that God intended them to become.
I short change myself, rob others, and actually resist God’s work in me when I choose to be someone other than who God chose for me to be. May I live in such a way that my uniqueness is not sacrificed out of a desire to be someone else. May I live in such a way that others can follow without duplication.
Father, who is it You have made me to be? Help me to see it and delight in it! Amen.
Who Am I - Casting Crowns
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Asking Why
Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; For I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God. Psalm 42:11 (New King James Version)
When we start asking the “why” questions, we open ourselves up to the answers that seem to have eluded us. David knew His hope and help was in God and yet he still asked why. He wanted to know why turmoil brewed inside him like stew in a caldron.
I am asking some why questions. Why do I keep finding myself in co-dependent relationships? Why do I fear abandonment, rejection, and being invisible? Why do I look to food and people to sooth, comfort, and fix me? Why do I crave attention so much? Why did the stepping away of a former mentor hurt so badly? Why does it still hurt? Why does disappointment have such a profound affect on me? Why do I shut down, withdraw, and self condemn when my emotions spiral? Why doesn’t taking in biblical truth equal change for me?
I am at a point where I no longer know who to ask the questions to. I know that people have been used of God greatly in my life. I would not be who I am today without their involvement and help. Yet, the very ones God has used the most have been addictions to me as I have leaned on them emotionally in ways that have not been healthy or balanced. I see that and yet to release them from being responsible for my emotional well being fills me such fear. Fear of being forgotten. Fear of being invisible. Fear of being alone.
I want to say with David to hope in God and praise Him for being my help. I want that to take away the ache. Something blocks that from happening. I don’t know what a life secure in God looks like. I know the security is promised but I don’t know why I have yet to fully embrace it. I don’t know why people still play such vital roles in my life. For now, I will ask God. In time, He may just lead an individual across my path who knows how to lead me to the answers.
Father, may the fact that my hope is in You and my help is in You be more than lofty thoughts. May they become my reality. Amen.
You Raise Me Up
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Personal Preparations
Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah….And the LORD God prepared a gourd, and made it to come up over Jonah….But God prepared a worm….and it smote the gourd….God prepared a vehement east wind; and the sun beat upon the head of Jonah. Jonah 1:17; 4:6-8
I can imagine that Jonah had no trouble realizing life was not always under his control. Ever feel like him? God was constantly preparing the events, circumstances, and situations of his life in order to get his attention and redirect his steps. But Jonah kept missing the point. While there seemed to be a revival of sorts for Jonah in the belly of the fish, the end of the story finds him disgruntled, angry, and distant.
It is easy to come to the place where the happenings of our life can leave us feeling more like victims than victors. While Jonah was simply facing the consequences for wrong choices in his life, other Bible characters faced difficulties in spite of right choices. Joseph, from the Old Testament, always comes to mind when I think of someone who suffered at the hands of others. Hated, betrayed, and sold by his own brothers, he spent years in enslavement and prison. Were they wasted? Not at all. They were a time of preparation for God’s promotion in his life as he would one day be second only to Pharaoh in the land of Egypt. Much of his life was painful and did not make sense until the end was revealed. He could finally say with confidence to his brothers, “What you meant for evil, God meant for good!”
I learned a couple of years ago that Scripture is meant to be more than nice stories about people who lived long ago. God wants us to see that He is just as involved, just as loving, and just as present in our lives as He was in Bible times. At any given moment, He is preparing us for what is ahead. He has His hands on us, on our situations, and on our journey. If we keep this in mind it will help counter the wrong thinking of being a victim to others, being stuck in life, and living with no purpose. May we hear Him whisper the same words to us that He said to Jeremiah, “I know the plans that I have for you…plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.”
Father, I may only be in the middle of the story right now. By faith I look forward to what You had planned for me all along. Amen.
My Life Is In Your Hands - Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir (This was filmed in Louisiana State Penitentiary, better known as "Angola").
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
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