Thursday, June 10, 2010

What Knowing Means

So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." John 8:31, 32 (New American Standard Bible)

I have been intrigued with today’s verse….particularly the phrase “know the truth.” Too often, I limit that to mere cognitive knowledge, instead of the life changing and life freeing KNOWING of truth that Jesus was talking about. That is one of the reasons I can take in a lot of truth but fail to see it make any real difference in me. When I really GET something it makes a difference! I could see this but still needed a deeper picture. Something that would make sense to me. So I did some research and learned something about the original meaning of the word “know”. It is derived from the Greek word Ginosko and means to learn, to know, to get a knowledge of, and perceive. In addition to those words, it also means to feel and THAT was the word I needed!

One of the struggles I often have (and I believe many people have) is with feelings and emotions that run contrary to actual truth…in other words, perceived truth! Someone can tell me the truth and yet my core belief will really be from what I am feeling. I can be told to replace the lies with truth but that is ineffective if deep down inside I believe the lies are the truth. For instance, if I sense that someone thinks the worst of me, it doesn’t matter how many people tell me it isn’t true, I will remain a captive to my mindset. In actuality, my own thinking hinders me from being convinced of the truth that will bring freedom. At times, the battle rages profoundly!

Although I am not suppose to base what I believe on my feelings or emotions, God knows that many times I do! So He is letting me know that when I feel the truths I am taking in then I will fully know them and then they will make a difference in my life. My prayer then becomes, “Father, help me to feel the truth of the words being spoken to me. Help me to embrace them and live out of them. Please, convince me.”

It has taken quite a while for this to be a reality for me with regards to the truth about God and what He is really like. Now the work is being done in regards to the people in my life and the relationships I have with them. As I really come to know the truth about them I will then walk in freedom. Freedom from insecurities, suspicions, and self imposed condemnation. In some instances it is a painful process but I continue to rest in the fact that God always finishes what He starts.

Father, You offer me the truth and even cross my path with individuals who also offer me the truth. Help the truth to seem more believable to me than the lies. Amen.

My Redeemer Lives - Nicole C. Mullen

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.