Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Hearing His Whispers

Your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it," whenever you turn to the right or the left. Isaiah 30:21

I am rejoicing today over God's involvement in my life. He does not send me out on journeys and assignments without His presence. Each step of the way He is behind me with His hand on my shoulder. At pivotal moments, He leans forward and whispers into my ear the direction He would have me to go.

It is imperative that I tune my ears to hear His voice. Many are the distractions that would seek to get me off track. Many are the voices that long to lead me astray. But God is the one who can direct me along the right path ~ His path.

And what about the times I fall to distractions, listen to other voices, and get off track? God faithfully begins the process of wooing me back to Himself. The discomforts of wrong choices are just one way He has of bringing me back to Himself. There is never a point when I cannot turn back to Him. He never forbids my feet from stepping back onto His path. My decision to step away in the first place hurt us both. But after I have repented and rejoined Him, He once again places His hand on my shoulder, leans forward, and whispers, "Welcome back! This is the way, walk in it." That is when I once again know I am where I should be.

Father, You are a gracious Guide and Companion of my journey. I feel Your hand and I listen for Your whispers. Thank you. Amen.