Thursday, January 26, 2006

God Sees It All

Whom have you reproached and blasphemed? And against whom have you raised your voice and haughtily lifted up your eyes? Against the Holy One of Israel! Isaiah 37:23

When Saul wreaked havoc in the early church, Jesus was quick to ask, "Why are you persecuting Me?" It was more than identification with His people's suffering. It was, in fact, an acknowledgment that Saul's actions were against Christ Himself. It was no different with the Assyrians. God pointed out that all the threats, haughtiness, and poisonous words were directly spoken to him and about Him! As some people would say, "Thems are fightin' words!" Persecute His children and blaspheme His name and you WILL arouse God's anger. Can we possibly expect anything less from a loving God? Does not nature itself pattern this for us? Like a mother bear when her cubs are in danger, God is moved by the troubles of His children.

As I pen these words, I am aware there is persecution of Christians in many parts of the world. Loss, torture, imprisonment, and even death are faced by countless believers. Foxx's Book of Martyrs is so gruesome I can never read past the first three pages. I marvel at the tenacity and strength God has given His children.

When we see it happen, we question why and wonder when it will stop. I learn two truths from today's passage. God is fully aware of what is happening and He will act on behalf of His people. The same is true in each of our lives. God is aware of each heart ache and difficulty. He will act on our behalf. As we face the problems and injustices of this world may we remember Jesus identifies with us and God will use all of it! He won't waste any of it. I not only stand on that, I rest in it!

Father, You not only see what happens to Your children, You personally ache over it. Redeem each situation. Bring forth beauty from all the ashes. Amen.