Thursday, February 9, 2006
A Continual Process
And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. Luke 2:52
If ever there was a verse I would want to hang over my life it would have to be this one. If ever there was a verse to pray over my life and the life of my loved ones it would have to be this one as well. It is fascinating to see the effect of inserting one’s own name in a verse. I did it with Luke 2:52 and would encourage others to do it as well. And _________ kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. My desire is that daily those words would be alive in me and become my quintessence.
This verse reminds me that mental, physical, social, and spiritual growth was a continual process for Jesus while He lived on this earth. Therefore it is a continual process for me as well. None of those areas are a culmination of a one time event. There is never a point in this life where one can sit back and say, “I am finished learning, growing, and developing in my mind, soul, or spirit.” There is always room and necessity for more!
These same words of growth were spoken of Samuel as a child. He grew in the presence of the LORD (spiritually), in stature (physically), and in favor with God (spiritually) and men (socially). As a child! And look at the profound impact he had on an entire nation in his adult life! Our spiritual growth will ultimately affect others. Our internal world affects our external world. So if you are one who is experiencing growth in your Christian life, anticipate the manifestation of that growth in tangible outward ways.
As you draw near to God, spend time with Him, and make Him the focal point of your life, people will notice! Just like Moses’ face shined when he came away from meeting with God, your countenance will display the rich relationship you have with your heavenly Father. It will change the way you interact with others and even the times you are alone. May we keep growing!
Father, continually cultivate, nurture, and develop in me the essence of Yourself. As I stand in someone’s presence may Your presence in my life be evident. Amen.