Friday, January 19, 2007

Telling Your Story

And Gehazi said, ‘My lord, O king, this is the woman and this is her son, whom Elisha restored to life.’ When the king asked the woman, she related it to him. 2 Kings 8:5,6

The Shunammite woman has sought an audience with the king. She has just returned from a seven year absence due to a famine in her home land about which Elisha had warned her. She plans to make a request of the king for the return of her property. But she has entered his presence at a time when Elisha’s servant is actually telling the king about God raising her son from the dead! Upon learning this is the woman, the king asks her to share her story and she does. I am sure it is a story she has already told countless times and has never tired of sharing it. Her story was one of God allowing her barren womb to conceive a son, that son dieing later on, and then that son being brought back to life. Not only must she have enjoyed sharing it but so did God as He had it recorded in Scripture for future generations to read.

Each of us have stories living in us. Many of us will never stand before audiences to tell of God’s intervention, provision, and power in our own lives but there will be opportunities to share our stories with individuals. What God has done in us can restore hope to another person’s situation. As we share, we are saying in essence, “The God of the universe is personally involved in not only my life but in yours as well.” God does not mean for us to keep the stories to ourselves. Each time we tell them they come alive and infuse truth into another person’s life. I cannot tell you the number of times I have listened to a person’s story only to walk away and say to myself, “If God can do that for that person, He can work in my life as well!”

The stories recorded in Scripture are meant to reveal truth to us about God. They show us who He is, what He is like, what He can do, and how He works. Today, God wants to use each of us who know Him to continue to reveal Him to others by telling our stories of His involvement in our life. May we do so with gratitude and passion!

Father, I love to tell the stories of my salvation and finding freedom in Christ. Right now You are writing a new story that I don’t know the ending of yet. As people come across my path may those stories live with power as I share them. Amen.