Friday, January 19, 2007
What It Means to Stay
The Lord was my stay. 2 Samuel 22:19b KJV
Let him trust in the name of the LORD, and stay upon his God. Isaiah 50:10b KJV
We often hear words but don’t fully grasp their meaning or significance. One thing I have come to appreciate about God’s Word is its richness and depth. When I read a verse and understand where it applies to my life, situation, and circumstances, it infuses within me a confidence to move forward with renewed strength, joy, and resolve. Such is the case with the word ‘stay.’
When God is referred to as my stay, it means He is my support. He is the One who holds me up and gives me strength. He is the One who keeps me on course and establishes my way. How assuring and securing it is to realize God is the One who will protect, hold, bear, carry, prop, sustain, maintain, shore up, keep up, back, provide for, confirm, and affirm me. No wonder David often referred to Him as his rock, strong hold, shelter, and tower! He is our stability in a world that can seem like anything but stable.
Once we see God as our stay, we can heed the words of Isaiah when he says to stay upon God. Who better to rely upon, lean on, lie in, rest upon, take hold of, and stand fast in? Like a trusting child in the arms of a loving parent, God woos me into a restful relationship with Himself. He knows that any relationships I look to for security will leave me wanting. He knows that all the external things of life that I would attempt to draw strength and support from would fail. He loves me too much to allow anything or anyone to take His place or give me what He offers.
So when I am faced with disappointment, discouragement, confusion, uncertainty, or doubt He invites me to stay on Him. When there is a vagueness to my journey, valleys to walk through, or trials to endure He welcomes me to stay on Him. And even in the times when things go my way, joys abound, and life feels good He still whispers, “Stay on Me.” That is why the song writer so eloquently said, “Stayed upon Jehovah, hearts are fully blessed. Finding as He promised, perfect peace and rest.”
Father, I rest in You because You are my stay! No one else can hold me, assure me, or comfort me like You can. Thank you for offering me the shadow of Your wings to abide under. Amen.