Friday, September 28, 2007
Full Attention and Perception
They do not pay attention to the deeds of the LORD, nor do they consider the work of His hands. Isaiah 5:12 (New American Standard Bible)
It is a sad commentary indeed for this verse to be hung over any situation of a believer’s life. It is a statement that should cause each one of us to sit up and take notice. We know and serve a God who is never absent, unavailable, or disinterested. He is in the midst of us, inhabiting our very body. He has promised to work all things out for our good. He is inviting each one of us to pay attention and consider all that He is doing! Whether it is in the physical, spiritual, emotional, social, or mental aspects of our life, God is working and desirous that we are take notice.
If I am in the same room with people I dearly love and respect I will tend to focus my full attention on them. I watch them and listen to them with great interest. I do not want to miss a thing they do or say. THAT is the way I want it to be with my heavenly Father. I want to be enraptured and captivated by His every move. I want Him to systematically remove anything or anyone that would pull my attention away from Him. There can be NO competition for my focus or my heart.
He knows when I am searching for Him and wanting to see His fingerprints throughout each day. He delights in the times when my eyes dance in wonder over seeing Him in action. My spirit eyes want to see and my spirit ears want to hear it all! I don’t want to be sight or hearing impaired in any way.
When things don’t go my way, I don’t want to assume there is no work of God to be seen in it. When the unexpected takes place, I don’t want to miss all the ways God is actively involved. When unwelcome changes knock on the door of my life, I don’t want to loose sight of the fact that He is sovereign and in control.
Each one of use were personally formed by God in our mother’s womb. He has not taken His hands or His eyes off us for one second. From eternity past He has planned out each day and nothing will take Him by surprise. I revel in that! I stand on it, find my security in it, and hold to it come what may. My God is faithful. My God is involved. My God is active. My God is working!
Father, I delight in You. I want to take notice of Your deeds. My eyes are on You and my ears are turned toward You. What awesome sights and sounds await me! Amen.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Uncomfortable but Necessary
He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths. Isaiah 2:3 (New King James Version)
I have spent the last couple of days pondering my receptivity to truth and whether or not I live with a teachable spirit. For if I have a smorgasbord mentality when it comes to truth (whereby I pick and choose what I want to hear) then I will greatly hinder and limit the work God desires to do in me. I cannot afford to take in only what sounds good and makes me feel comfortable. I must be willing to listen to what convicts me and reveals the issues of my heart.
In the last number of months a friend of mine has been God’s truth teller to me. As we have talked and emailed back and forth, she has said some things and asked some questions that I found myself resisting. I didn’t like the way her words made me feel because they were bringing to the surface the very things I was not comfortable addressing. It wasn’t that she wasn’t speaking the truth, it was that I knew if I took in what she was saying I would eventually have to act upon what I was hearing. With truth comes responsibility and accountability. No blame shifting, no excuse making, no games of denial, or proclamations of not knowing any better. My spirit hungers for it but my flesh fights it.
She and I are both familiar with the scenario that follows such conversations. She speaks the truth. I listen and sense resistance in myself. The conversation draws to a close and I go through a time of mulling over what has been said. It may take a few hours or even a few days, but eventually God walks me through the issues at hand and helps me to see my need to align myself with His truth. When I am finally at the point of acknowledging and accepting the truth He then shows me practical steps of implementing the truth into my life. As I cooperate with Him there are subtle but profound shifts that begin to take place in my internal world. Given enough time, my friend knows an email or phone call is coming that will let her know the issue has been settled and God has given the victory.
Is it easy? Not usually. Most of the growth and progress has come with tears, fears, and struggles. But when it is all said and done, by God’s grace, I choose to walk the path He has for me. I do not always do it right but He honors and blesses the desire to be taught. He understands my frailties and mindsets. While His eye is on me in the present, it is also on the person I will one day be. He knows what I will be when the transformation is complete. It is the same for each one of us. May we continue to listen as He speaks and follow where He leads.
Father, speak to me, even when the words sting. I want change. I embrace truth.
Monday, September 24, 2007
An Extension Of Himself
Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety. Proverbs 11:14 (New King James Version)
If I fail to search Scripture and implement it into my daily life, I can so easily take the wrong approach to situations. When life gets messy and failure marks my path, the enemy of my soul is all too anxious to take me to extremes. In order to avoid making the same mistakes, I will build up walls of defense and mistakenly assume I am walking in safety. God has recently revealed to me an area in my life where this was happening and is showing me how to redirect my thinking and my journey.
For a couple years, I sat under a mentor who gave me much wisdom and insight into the Christian life. I feasted off the question and answer times with her. But the day came when it was necessary for this mentor to step away and for me to live independent of her influence. THAT was painful and led to God walking me through a difficult transition time. As I began to see what He was doing in all of it, I came to a wrong conclusion. I felt that in order to avoid future dependency issues and hence more pain, it was time I “made it on my own.” That meant (in my thinking) that all future concerns, questions, and difficulties had to go to God and only God. What I had to come to realize was within God’s system of operation He is the One who has established the vehicle of human agencies. While He is to always be my main Counselor and Guide, He also encourages me to seek the advice, help, and direction of the godly people He has graciously brought into my life. I have a handful of people whom I readily turn to at certain times and I am the richer for it. The people vary according to the situation.
When I have made an important decision, I have a couple women who serve as my witnesses to the vows I am making. Telling them my plan of action solidifies the area of surrender and helps me to stay the course. When I am confronted with areas of turmoil and uncertainty, I have people who will listen and give me the perspectives I need but have been missing. When I am headed in the wrong direction but am not quite sure how to get turned around, I have people who will lovingly but firmly tell me the truth and encourage me to walk in it. And when a time of deep prayer is needed I have several people I can call and one who even affords me the opportunity to come to her home and avail myself of her kneeling bench. The only prerequisite to all of these encounters is that I have first taken the issues to God and sought His heart. Once that has taken place, He is then the One who brings the right people to mind. Within that context, I am safe to seek out counselors for their wisdom, discernment, and instruction. God bless each one!
Father, You have enriched my life with a multitude of counselors. They have listened and then wisely advised. You have gifted me with them as an extension of Yourself. I embrace this aspect of the journey! Praise You! Amen.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
The Touch That Changed Everything
And a woman who had a hemorrhage for twelve years, and could not be healed by anyone, came up behind Him and touched the fringe of His cloak, and immediately her hemorrhage stopped. Luke 8:43,44 (New American Standard Bible)
Twelve years of hemorrhaging. Twelve years of enduring medical treatment that left her physically and financially drained. Twelve years of being ceremonially unclean. Twelve years of public shunning. Twelve years of questioning her own worth and value to anyone and everyone. Twelve years of a life on hold and in pain. All of it came to an immediate halt when her hands reached out and touched the hem of Jesus’ garment.
This was no easy task, for Jesus was surrounded by a great crowd of people. Getting close enough to Him to touch the fringe of his clothing would have taken time, persistence, and a great deal of maneuvering. With no exchange of words, she came from behind with one thing on her mind….”If I can but touch the hem of His garment I will be made whole.” What a seed of faith God had planted in this woman! The simplicity and uniqueness of her faith captures my attention in a powerful way. Jesus was aware of her need, her faith, her plan, her anticipation, and finally her touch. How He must have smiled in His Spirit to know what was about to take place in this woman’s life.
What truths do I take in from this miraculous account today? Jesus is approachable. He sees my pain and the magnitude of my situation. He acknowledges my faith whether it is in words or actions. I can still metaphorically reach out my hand in faith and touch the hem of His garment. I am not a lost face in a crowd to Him. My relationship with Him is unique and simplistic but His response to me is powerful.
Many have been the times He instantly dried my tears, anointed me with wisdom for a particular decision, renewed my strength, or settled my heart. Each of us have moments of crises in our lives. Today, Jesus is inviting us to come to Him with whatever is burdening us, hindering us, or draining us. This woman, who is our spiritual ancestor, wants us to know this same Jesus has the power and desire to radically change our lives like He did hers.
Father, I do not call out or reach out to You in vain. With You my story can change in an instant. Jesus, I come. Amen.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Losing My Grip
Naked (without possessions) came I [into this world] from my mother’s womb, and naked (without possessions) shall I depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed (praised and magnified in worship) be the name of the Lord! Job 1:21 (Amplified Bible)
I take loss hard. The more significant something or someone is in my life the harder it is to experience the departure. Whether it be relationships, seasons of life, health issues, jobs, or experiences each must be viewed as a gift from God subject to change and temporary status. If I mistakenly believe otherwise, I am merely setting myself up for disillusionment and disappointment. But if I see God’s involvement in all things, then I can treasure the moments yet hold them loosely. My ability to do that will increase as I become more aware of God’s nature and heart.
If I stand suspect of Him and think He is cruel and out to ruin my life the losses will appear to be “proof” of that very mindset. But if I see Him as a loving, heavenly Father who knows what is best for me and is intent on molding my life for His glory, then I learn to rest in what He is doing and trust Him during the process. It is His desire that I learn to view life through His grid of truth and with spirit eyes. Living each day cognitive of His presence, person, and involvement in my life. My days are not made up of mere random, pointless events. God is working in profound ways and I can so easily miss the realization of that truth if I shift my focus away from Him.
These thoughts were triggered last night as I reviewed the dynamics of changed or lost friendships over the years. Without the awareness that “the Lord gives and the Lord takes away” I can too easily live in a state of grieving as well as torture myself with the question of “What did I do wrong?” Last night, God interrupted my thoughts with some precious instructions and reminders. He whispered to my spirit, “Pam, don’t limit your thoughts concerning the people and events of your life. You must see My hand and involvement in it all. Most of the people in your life and the relationship you have with them is for a season of time and a divine purpose. I am the One who “lends” you the moments. It is not about their change of heart or yours. It is about My timing and My design. Trust Me. Cling to Me. I am your permanent Source and Companion. Enjoy my gifts to you but don’t refuse to let go of them when I initiate the change. Poise yourself to receive the new things that await. Rest in My love.”
Father, I now see what I have been blind to for so many years. You are constantly aware and constantly working on my behalf. May I hold the things of this life loosely while You hold me tightly. Amen.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
No Tolerance for Spiritual Lethargy
I went by the field of the lazy man, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding; and, behold, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles were covering its face, and its stone wall was broken down. Then I beheld and considered it well; I looked and received instruction. Proverbs 24:30-31 (Amplified Bible)
I have witnessed enough accounts in Scripture to learn that God often uses physical objects to reveal the state of our hearts and teach kingdom principles. Today’s passage strikes me as a sad commentary on the spiritual state of too many Christians. It serves as a reminder of my own internal world of the not too distant past and the realization of it becoming a present condition if I do not intentionally guard against it. Spiritual lethargy has the painful consequences of covering our lives with wound inducers and the over throwing, tearing down, and destroying of protective walls. It is not God’s intent or desire for us to possess thorns and allow easy access to the enemy of our souls.
My walk with God must have balance. It is imperative that I possess a determination and steadfastness to practice spiritual disciplines as well as increase my dependency on and for God. I am not left on my own but neither am I void of the responsibility to take in truth and daily apply the truth. Scripture makes it clear that I am to feed my spirit, put on my armor, appropriate spiritual warfare tactics, be filled with the Spirit, live a life of obedience to God, and poise myself with a teachable spirit. This is not possible if I simply live with a haphazard mentality concerning my relationship with God.
There are certain things that must be non negotiable in my life. For decades I failed to make them a vital part of each day and the disarray of my Christian life was the result. On the outside things appeared fine but on the inside I stood defenseless, confused, and empty. I was wide open to thorns and wounds that were not only useless but unnecessary. So now I guard the time I spend in the Word and prayer along with surrounding myself with that which would encourage and increase spiritual growth……fellowship with Christians who are passionate about their walk with God, reading rich books that feed me necessary truths, listening to music that attributes praise to God as well as enlarges my view of Him, and keeping my ears attuned to His still, small voice. Then and only then am I equipped to minister to others out of the overflow of a deep rooted relationship with my Abba.
Father, may I keep my hand on the plow and my eyes on You. I desire to live well protected and in Your presence! Amen.
Friday, September 14, 2007
A Shift for the Good
But God, Who comforts and encourages and refreshes and cheers the depressed and the sinking, comforted and encouraged and refreshed and cheered us by the arrival of Titus. 2 Corinthians 7:6 (Amplified Bible)
I have a list of people in my life whose names could easily be slipped into this verse. This morning, God and I have reviewed them. I am touched by the fact that the God of all comfort chooses to many times comfort and encourage us through one another. The ones He has brought into my life have been used of Him to not only comfort me, but to instruct me, mold me, and leave a lasting impression upon me. I value the impact they have made on my life. Conversations with them still play from time to time in my memory. Even decades later I can still recall their facial expressions, tone of voice, and warm embraces. Spending time with them was and still is a high light for me. Any more though, those times are rare. For most of the people I am referring to are geographically removed from me. God has wisely made that the case.
He knows how easily I can become comfortable in a relationship and allow it to dominate my thinking and capture all of my attention. If not guarded, my heart can be torn between looking to people instead of to God as my primary source for many things. That is a sure recipe for stunted growth and hindered relationship with Him. For most of my Christian life I will admit to that being my greatest struggle. And I have absolutely no doubt there are many in the body of Christ who see that as a truth for themselves as well.
This morning, as I listened to Sandi Patty’s rendition of the song “Made Me Glad” it occurred to me that I am at a place in my life whereby no one is any longer in competition with God for the attention of my heart. While I still value them highly, God has finally captured my heart and affections. I am no longer looking for an individual to fix me, heal me, deliver me, or constantly be there for me. Will they still play a part in my life? Absolutely. And there will be times I seek their advice and counsel. But relationship with them can no longer be my main craving and goal.
While the transition has been painful at times I am finally seeing the beauty of what God has been doing. He has been wooing me to Himself as He has caused unhealthy attachments to fall away. What I thought would crush me has actually freed me. Although I will still falter at times, I know a shift has taken place and the journey will never be the same. For once in my life, I rejoice at such change!
Father, it has taken over 34 years for You to bring me to this point. Thank you for your patience and persistence. With gratitude and joy I proclaim that I am yours! Amen.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Crucibles for the Heart
The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, but the LORD tests the hearts. Proverbs 17:3 (New American Standard Bible)
The Bible is filled with word pictures that are meant to help us take in truth in an understandable and meaningful way. Such is the case when God speaks of refining pots (crucibles), furnaces, and heart tests. The processes and end results are quite similar….purification by fire. The heat (trial or test) is what exposes the impurities, the skimming removes the impurities, and the eventual result is a pure and useable substance. God desires to work with my heart in the same way that a refiner works with precious silver or gold. What He starts with is not beautiful in itself but He knows what will eventually come forth.
I have known for some time now that God exposes areas of my life for the purpose of healing and transforming me, not for the purpose of shaming me. That issue was settled when He helped me grasp Romans 8:1 which says, “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” He continues to fix the images I have of Him and correct the distortions and lies the enemy has given me in regards to His character and heart. What I am learning is helping me to trust in Him and cooperate with Him more fully.
Like everyone else, I do not like trials or discomfort. If it brings tears, pain, or heartache I want no part of it. But God is letting me know that is the only way to show me what is inside of me. The hardships of life reveal where my trust lies, what I really believe about God, in whom my security is tied, what my real desires are, and the many areas that need to be changed. As I learn to connect with Him on a daily basis the revelations are powerful.
Just last night He opened my eyes to something I had been missing and He used a sense of sadness to do it. As the sadness hit, I found myself wanting to contact somebody….anybody. Relationships have always been great pain relievers for me. Sort of like Novocain for my soul! That is when God intervened and began to show me my own tendency to avoid pain through external sources rather than take the pain to Him for true healing and wholeness. I was opting for a bandage instead of surgery! I was settling for miniscule, temporary fixes at best while God was offering me continual, lasting comfort and change. As I ended my day with Him, He ministered to me in a way no human could come close to doing. May He continue to do His refining work in me.
Father, I have often misunderstood the process and power of Your refining techniques. You have once again peaked my interest, aroused my curiosity, and captured my heart. I love You! Amen.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Armed and Ready
In the fear of the LORD there is strong confidence, and His children will have a place of refuge. Proverbs 14:26 (New King James Version)
My level of confidence is proportionate to my view of and relationship to God as is my sense of security. I find that the times I am in turmoil, distress, confusion, or emotional resignation are the times my mind and eyes are no longer fixed and focused on Him. His truths must be the plumb line for my thoughts, words, and actions. It is imperative that God is my object of confidence and my place of shelter. Not just a shelter from the dangers and storms of life but from falsehoods that abound.
The enemy of my soul knows all of this. Therefore his main objective is to chip away at my connection to God. If I am not on guard to his tactics and lies, I can very easily have my confidence shaken and my outlook on many things distorted. If I am not intent on purposefully bringing my thoughts captive and in line with truth, they will actually work against me and fill my soul with a foreboding darkness.
It has been my practice to write devotionals in an honest and open way. Usually God’s instructions to me include remaining general enough so people are able to see themselves and their situations in the truth I am sharing. This morning I sense His nudging to be specific with a personal example. Yesterday’s devotional centered on walking in God’s forgiveness of past sins and mistakes and moving forward. Little did I realize when I sent it off that I would later become engaged in a four hour attack from the enemy over that very issue. He was ruthless!
While at work, the enemy fed me a lie about a past situation. His interpretation and conclusion of the event left me with a feeling of being a disappointment to the body of Christ, to myself, and even to God. I lost perspective on everything that my journey of the last three years entailed. I could not sense one moment of God’s delight in me. The darkness enveloped me until I was able to identify the enemy being at work. With the renouncing of lies and embracing of truth, my thought process became clear and my confidence and security returned…..until later in the evening when he sideswiped me again as I emailed a friend. I can reread the email I sent her and literally see where my conversation shifted and the enemy’s lies surfaced.
This morning I woke with a completely different perspective. There are no dark thoughts, no question of God’s view of me and love for me, no overwhelming sense of despair. The enemy has backed off but I know he will return. Before he resurfaces with repackaged lies I must put on the armor of Ephesians 6 and stand ready to stand in truth. I must realign myself with what God’s Word says and place my reverential trust in Him and Him alone. He is my covering for any battle that takes place today.
Father, I sustained wounds from the enemy yesterday. May I not give him such pleasure today. I take Your hand, Your Word, and Your Spirit with me into every confrontation that lies ahead. Amen.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
A Fresh Start
Glancing this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. Exodus 2:12 (New International Version)
Have you ever had something from your past continue to give you a nagging feeling? I often wonder if Moses was ever haunted by his killing of an Egyptian. Or was David ever tormented by the thoughts of adultery and murder? Or were Joseph’s brothers bothered by their treatment of Joseph? Or… get the picture. The Bible is full of examples of people’s pasts that could have easily consumed them and robbed them of peace and joy and the ability to move on. Outside of the grace of God and an owning of His total forgiveness it is impossible.
In the course of a phone conversation last night something was said that I really needed to hear. As I reviewed some areas of regret, wrong choices, and life altering consequences from the past, I was able to take in this truth that my friend shared with me…..I cannot fix or change the past. I must simply move forward and determine by God’s grace to do the right things now. To walk in truth now and follow God’s lead.
I cannot tell you the weight that came off my shoulders as I saw the freedom in what she was saying. The continual questioning and beating myself up over past decisions has kept me from moving forward. It was like being frozen in time. I had wrongly assumed God wanted me to somehow fix everything and make it all the way it was suppose to be in the first place. I felt like a small child standing over the Grand Canyon with a tiny shovel and being told to fill in the hole. Impossible! And so was the idea with my past areas of concern. Not only impossible but a lie that it was even being expected of me.
To the best of my ability I have sought God’s forgiveness as well as that of someone who was hurt by it all. Now God is urging me to live in that forgiveness and walk in the freedom it brings. No more shame. No more condemnation. No more second guessing. No more “if only” statements. Learn from it and go on with Him. Listen for His daily instructions and then act upon what He says. After all, Moses, David, and Joseph’s brothers had no way of undoing or making right their sinful choices outside of God’s grace and forgiveness, and neither can you or I.
Father, thank you for each fresh start You give to me. I rejoice in the freedom of that thought. What I cannot undo need never hinder me from moving forward with You. Amen.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Awakening Our Hunger
A worker’s appetite works for him, for his hunger urges him on. Proverbs 16:26 (New American Standard Bible)
Appetites run strong in each of us. They drive us to possess the very things we hunger for. Most of us do not have to work at having a hunger for food. It is one of the reasons we get up each day and go to work. Our jobs provide the necessary income to purchase the food with which we stock our cupboards. In the early days of our country, the colonies had a problem with people not wanting to work. The solution was to enforce the biblical standard that if you don’t work you don’t eat. The eventual hunger drove the people to work when their own initiative failed them. In that case, their appetite worked for them and urged them on to work.
The same is true of our spiritual appetites. The hunger and thirst we have to know God is what urges us on to open His Word and take in His truth. It is meant to be more than an occasional snack. It is meant to be a feast and the sustenance our souls crave. It does not take long for our bodies to feel the effect of going without food. Go without food long enough and you experience weakness, hunger pains, a headache, and a general feeling of not feeling well. Our bodies crave food and the negative effects drive us to eat.
And yet hunger for the right foods can be dulled by taking in a lot of sweets and empty calories. I speak from experience when I say, I can feed on so many unhealthy choices that I no longer desire what is good for me. After a while I am eating but not finding satisfaction and a sense of fullness. There are also people who struggle with eating disorders and can eventually shut down the cravings for food all together. Not healthy!
Again, the same is true in a spiritual sense. A hunger for God’s Word is dulled by numerous other activities or shut down completely by pure starvation. But I assure you, the hunger is still there. It just needs to be reawakened. It is simply a matter of asking God to show us how hungry our souls really are for Him. At first, a person may open His Word and nothing seems to happen. But over time, with consistent feedings, the appetite gets stronger and reading His Word becomes an actual desire. It really is a rich food source!
Father, You are never insulted when I ask You to awaken my hunger for You. May my appetite be ravenous! Amen.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Becoming a Possessor
A wise man will hear and increase in learning, and a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel. Proverbs 1:5 (New American Standard Bible)
Today starts a personal journey into the book of Proverbs. I have enjoyed and drank deeply of the Psalms and am ready to venture into the book of wisdom. God is wasting no time in letting me know how to become a possessor of His wisdom. To not only take in truth, but to know how to implement it into my daily walk. He has graciously prepared me for this time and He has done it in progressive stages.
A few years ago, God began to show me how often I failed to walk in truth about Him, His Word, and His ways. He showed me how much of my thinking was connected to the lies of the enemy. Lies about Him, about others, and even about myself. As I began taking in the truth, a profound thing began to happen. I began to hunger for it. This was an essential shift for me, because the hunger led to a willingness to be taught. It affected my hearing as well as my receptability to what was being said or read.
Today’s verse goes beyond being a mere “how to” verse. It is a verse packed full of results and promise. It actually describes the characteristics and advantages of being a wise person. The first half is a stated fact. A wise man will listen and will yield to godly instruction, advice, and wisdom. His open ears and obedient heart are what mark his life. If he is truly a wise person, he will listen and he will act upon what he is being told when it lines up with truth. The result? He will add and join himself to learning, instruction, and teaching. As he does that, he becomes a possessor of the wise counsel he is being given. The way to own something from a store is to purchase it. And the way to own wisdom for oneself is to listen to and obey the words of wisdom that come from God and others.
Many have been the times when I not only refused to listen because of pride and self sufficiency, but I refused to act upon what was being said. It wasn’t until God began to show me the purpose and beauty of hearing and obeying that I finally became open to experience what today’s verse is saying. It is much easier to take in the very things I am hungry for. That is why my daily prayer has become, “Father, instill in me a tender and teachable spirit toward You.” For if that is the kind of spirit I have, I will begin to hear, yield to, and acquire the wisdom that God is continually offering me through Himself, His Word, prayer, and a multitude of sources.
Father, open my ears to wisdom so that I will increase in my learning and possess the wise counsel given to me on a continual basis. Help me to listen, learn, and acquire much today! Amen.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Then They Cried
Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses. Psalm 107:6 (King James Version)
When is it that we cry out to God and seek His deliverance? It is not usually when life is going good and everything is the way we want it. It is more likely to be the times life has fallen apart, pain has become unbearable, and we have run out of options. Deuteronomy 28:52 says, “They shall besiege you at all your gates until your high and fortified walls, in which you trust, come down throughout all your land.”
In Old Testament times God’s judgment usually came in the form of other nations taking His people captive. The nations would vary as would the bondage but the pain of captivity would eventually lead Israel to cry out to God for deliverance. That bondage was a picture of what it meant to be besieged….bound and tied up. They would literally be hedged in to the extent that there was no relief or freedom. The picture of a caged or cornered animal comes to mind. I marvel that it usually took decades before Israel would finally cry out to God for deliverance and help.
We as believers still make sinful choices. I have often heard it said that we can choose our sin but we cannot choose the consequence that will result. God knows each of us intimately and wants us to be free. Therefore, in order to turn us back toward Himself, He will select the very consequence that will produce enough pain to cause us to cry out to Him. His desire is that we would immediately call out to Him. The sooner the better.
I would like to say I am a quick learner and tend to cry out to God as soon as I experience the first taste of pain, but that is not always the case. It may take awhile for my heart to get to the point where I am ready to align myself with truth and seek His help for the right reason. Often my first response is to want alleviation from the pain I am feeling. God knows if given, I will quickly return to my former ways. So He waits for my tears to change. When they are free of bitterness, excuses, anger, and pity He is ready to step in and deliver me. He comes when my hands and heart are open to Him, because He knows it is then that I am desiring Him and His ways above my own. This is summed up in the most recent lesson He has been teaching me and that is to walk in truth and give Him total cooperation. That is the key that unlocks anything that has me all tied up.
Father, You know when I am finally lying prostrate before You in complete submission. Bend my knees and my will to Your ways. Amen.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
It Comes As No Surprise
Blessed be the LORD, my Rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle --- My loving kindness and my fortress, my high tower and my deliverer, my shield and the One in whom I take refuge. Psalm 144:1,2 (New King James Version)
I woke with an uneasy feeling this morning. I could not put my finger on it but something was wrong. An uneasiness had settled over me and along with it came insecurity, restlessness, and dread. I had two choices. I could continue to allow the uncomfortable feelings to encase me or I could fight! I know where the first option leads. It is not pretty or good. It puts my focus on my weaknesses and circumstances. It opens my ears to the voice of the enemy who is all too ready to cause me to question recent decisions I have made. The picture he has painted is distorted and grotesque. He has repackaged old lies and is hoping for the same result and reaction from me. He has dangled counterfeit messiah’s across my mind and attempted to persuade me that I must seek my answers and help apart from God and His Word. Pick up the phone, send the email, seek the safety net of others. His invitations sound convincing and even appealing but the truth of the matter is they are traps and quick sand. God has a better answer!
My first defense is prayer. Coming against the enemy and taking the thoughts captive are essential. My second defense is realigning myself with truth and seeking the face and heart of God in His Word. A song has driven me to the Psalms and a Bible reading schedule has led me to this particular one. It is my truth list! It is my vital reminder of where my safety, security, defense, and deliverance lie. God is not only my Heavenly Father, He is my warrior Defender!
This attack comes as no surprise to Him. He is reminding me that after significant steps are taken and decisions are made the enemy is enraged. The realization of lost ground has infuriated him and he now determines to undermine any work of God that has taken place. My recent choices have gotten his attention because he knows those choices will lead to freedom, growth, and blessing. He knows I have been wooed by God to step away from bondage and break a deeply entrenched soul tie. He has been watching as I have finally begun to cooperate with God. Hence, his attack is no longer surprising me either!
I will take my truth list into this day and it will become my battle cry and banner! It is not even a complete list, for God is this much and more. But it is effective and it is mine!
Father, Your Word and Your presence have strengthened me once again. I choose to stand in Your truth! Amen.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Better Than Secret Love
Open rebuke is better than secret love. Proverbs 27:5 (King James Version)
I have never been a person who enjoys being rebuked. Does anyone? The first time I saw this verse I cringed. It conjured up in my mind an angry person glaring at me while spewing out harsh, condemning words. After the rebuke ended I would then walk away in shame and condemnation. Not a comfortable thought and not an accurate picture of this verse!
Last week I received an email that epitomized this verse in a beautiful way. While the person had to be direct with me and say some things that were difficult to read, it was done in a way that showed me her heart and desire for God’s blessing on my life. While the initial sting of rebuke was felt, my spirit quickly detected the truth in her email and that is what arrested my attention and my heart. I knew without a doubt that freedom and growth would come if I heeded her warnings and advice.
So what does an open rebuke entail? First, it should come about after much prayer. I believe this person prayed and desired God’s message to come across to me. Second, it should be based on truth! Her rebuke involved truth about my wrong choices, truth about the consequences if I continued in the direction I was headed, truth about what God really wants to do in my life, and truth about her desire for God’s favor and freedom in my life. Third, it should include a directive. She left no question as to what I should do….fully cooperate with God.
Call it tough love. Call it truth telling. Call it open rebuke. Whatever we label it, it is better than a love that sits idly by and remains silent. I don’t know about anyone else, but when I am headed in the wrong direction and in the process of making unwise choices I want what is best. Give me the open rebuke! But do it in love and with a heart that is living connected to God. Let me see that your words are not spoken out of impatience and with a ”last straw” mentality. Be the mouthpiece of God with absolutely no compromise of the truth.
On my part, I too must be daily connecting with God and desiring truth to be my compass and rudder. As God works and develops in me a tender, teachable spirit, I will have no trouble knowing when an open rebuke is coming from Him through another individual. I will have no trouble seeing the truth and then acting on it.
Will it be easy? Rarely. Will there ever be tears? Most likely. Will others understand? Maybe a few. But God’s voice and direction will be clear and the growth will be astounding. Like it says in John 8:32, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
Father, thank you for the one who was willing to speak the truth in love. Your message came through loud and clear. Keep my heart tender and teachable toward You. And when necessary, help my open rebukes to be as loving and truthful. Amen.
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