Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Uncomfortable but Necessary

He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths. Isaiah 2:3 (New King James Version)

I have spent the last couple of days pondering my receptivity to truth and whether or not I live with a teachable spirit. For if I have a smorgasbord mentality when it comes to truth (whereby I pick and choose what I want to hear) then I will greatly hinder and limit the work God desires to do in me. I cannot afford to take in only what sounds good and makes me feel comfortable. I must be willing to listen to what convicts me and reveals the issues of my heart.

In the last number of months a friend of mine has been God’s truth teller to me. As we have talked and emailed back and forth, she has said some things and asked some questions that I found myself resisting. I didn’t like the way her words made me feel because they were bringing to the surface the very things I was not comfortable addressing. It wasn’t that she wasn’t speaking the truth, it was that I knew if I took in what she was saying I would eventually have to act upon what I was hearing. With truth comes responsibility and accountability. No blame shifting, no excuse making, no games of denial, or proclamations of not knowing any better. My spirit hungers for it but my flesh fights it.

She and I are both familiar with the scenario that follows such conversations. She speaks the truth. I listen and sense resistance in myself. The conversation draws to a close and I go through a time of mulling over what has been said. It may take a few hours or even a few days, but eventually God walks me through the issues at hand and helps me to see my need to align myself with His truth. When I am finally at the point of acknowledging and accepting the truth He then shows me practical steps of implementing the truth into my life. As I cooperate with Him there are subtle but profound shifts that begin to take place in my internal world. Given enough time, my friend knows an email or phone call is coming that will let her know the issue has been settled and God has given the victory.

Is it easy? Not usually. Most of the growth and progress has come with tears, fears, and struggles. But when it is all said and done, by God’s grace, I choose to walk the path He has for me. I do not always do it right but He honors and blesses the desire to be taught. He understands my frailties and mindsets. While His eye is on me in the present, it is also on the person I will one day be. He knows what I will be when the transformation is complete. It is the same for each one of us. May we continue to listen as He speaks and follow where He leads.

Father, speak to me, even when the words sting. I want change. I embrace truth.