Monday, September 24, 2007
An Extension Of Himself
Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety. Proverbs 11:14 (New King James Version)
If I fail to search Scripture and implement it into my daily life, I can so easily take the wrong approach to situations. When life gets messy and failure marks my path, the enemy of my soul is all too anxious to take me to extremes. In order to avoid making the same mistakes, I will build up walls of defense and mistakenly assume I am walking in safety. God has recently revealed to me an area in my life where this was happening and is showing me how to redirect my thinking and my journey.
For a couple years, I sat under a mentor who gave me much wisdom and insight into the Christian life. I feasted off the question and answer times with her. But the day came when it was necessary for this mentor to step away and for me to live independent of her influence. THAT was painful and led to God walking me through a difficult transition time. As I began to see what He was doing in all of it, I came to a wrong conclusion. I felt that in order to avoid future dependency issues and hence more pain, it was time I “made it on my own.” That meant (in my thinking) that all future concerns, questions, and difficulties had to go to God and only God. What I had to come to realize was within God’s system of operation He is the One who has established the vehicle of human agencies. While He is to always be my main Counselor and Guide, He also encourages me to seek the advice, help, and direction of the godly people He has graciously brought into my life. I have a handful of people whom I readily turn to at certain times and I am the richer for it. The people vary according to the situation.
When I have made an important decision, I have a couple women who serve as my witnesses to the vows I am making. Telling them my plan of action solidifies the area of surrender and helps me to stay the course. When I am confronted with areas of turmoil and uncertainty, I have people who will listen and give me the perspectives I need but have been missing. When I am headed in the wrong direction but am not quite sure how to get turned around, I have people who will lovingly but firmly tell me the truth and encourage me to walk in it. And when a time of deep prayer is needed I have several people I can call and one who even affords me the opportunity to come to her home and avail myself of her kneeling bench. The only prerequisite to all of these encounters is that I have first taken the issues to God and sought His heart. Once that has taken place, He is then the One who brings the right people to mind. Within that context, I am safe to seek out counselors for their wisdom, discernment, and instruction. God bless each one!
Father, You have enriched my life with a multitude of counselors. They have listened and then wisely advised. You have gifted me with them as an extension of Yourself. I embrace this aspect of the journey! Praise You! Amen.