Monday, July 6, 2009
What Has Been Missing?
Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22 (New International Version)
The failure to see change in my life (real and lasting change) is what drove me to search for answers last night. Areas of bondage that have not seen freedom, moods that have not stopped spiraling, emotions that have controlled me rather than me controlling them, relationships that have been strained due to dependency rather than nurtured in appreciation, are but a few of the issues at hand.
I have sat in churches for decades, read countless books, attended numerous women’s events, been in both mentoring and accountability relationships, been a part of Bible studies, and heard truth upon truth. All of it was good and necessary. So why have I not seen more change in my life than I have seen? Why do I continue to live more in the flesh than in the spirit? Why is it not making more of difference in my life?
It all comes down to one simple yet profound ingredient. It is not enough to know truth. Change will only come, victory will only be experienced, and freedom will only be mine as I APPLY the things I have learned. That is what has been missing. That is the answer I have been looking for.
What I have known but failed to do in my every day life is take my thoughts captive, think on what is true and good, walk in forgiveness, give others the benefit of the doubt, resist the enemy, accept God’s forgiveness, live in the present rather than the past, focus on Christ and others……the list is endless. I know this stuff but fail to do it when the tests and trials of life hit. When emotions invite me into a place of darkness, pity, and withdrawal I go. When my feelings get hurt I sulk. When disappointments come I spiral. When perceptions enter the scenes of my mind I believe them. All the while God is inviting me to take each opportunity to apply what He has been teaching me.
I can’t stop the emotions, perceptions, circumstances, and situations from being a part of my life. Jesus Himself said that in this world we would know troubles. While I can’t stop the trouble, I can by the grace of God respond differently. I have the tools. I have His Spirit. I have every reason and resource to live differently. I have choices. I have options. I have what it takes to change because I have Christ.
Father, there is a different way to live my life and I want to change. Today, with each opportunity, help me to apply the truths I have learned. I walk forward with Your forgiveness and favor. Amen.
I Surrender All - Hillsong
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.