Thursday, January 7, 2010
When I Do Not Understand
Jesus answered and said to him, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.” John 13:7 (New King James Version)
I like Peter. He asks the questions every one else is pondering. Today’s verse is in response to his questioning of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet just hours before He would be arrested and later die on the cross. Jesus’ actions made no sense to Peter or the other disciples. Many are the times we question what God is doing and Jesus’ answer to Peter becomes our answer as well. “You do not understand now what I am doing but you will later on.”
Often times our ability to perceive what God is doing and why God is doing it is limited. For one, we are unable to see the full picture and we misunderstand God’s time frame. We attempt to figure it all out but in the end we don’t have a clue and when we try to ‘force’ our own interpretation into the situation we become like a little child trying to force a puzzle piece into the wrong place. Frustration and even anger can mark our path when we strain at God‘s un-understandable ways.
I look back at Bible characters and take note that they rarely understood what God was doing in their life. Joseph in prison for years. Ruth gleaning in the fields. Moses tending sheep in the wilderness. Mary and Martha at the funeral of their brother, Lazarus. Sarah, Hannah, and Elizabeth enduring years of infertility. In each case, they were being prepared and poised for a miracle! Joseph to be Prime Minister of Egypt. Ruth to marry Boaz and be part of the lineage of Christ. Moses to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt. Mary and Martha to see Lazarus’ resurrection. Sarah, Hannah, and Elizabeth to give birth to significant children….Abraham, Samuel, and John the Baptist. Their lack of understanding in no way rendered God powerless.
I have like the song by Twila Paris called “A Heart That Knows You.” A phrase stands out to me that references not understanding. "It may be for my sake just to help me grow. Maybe for Your kingdom, Lord. I don’t have to know." When I can voice those words back to Him it will evidence a heart that really does know Him even when I don’t understand.
Father, my understanding of what You are doing will not be complete until I see You face to face. Thank you for the grace to trust even when I don’t comprehend. I rest in the knowledge of You. Amen.
Warrior is a Child/ Do I Trust You - Twila Paris
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.