Saturday, October 23, 2010

Let's Start Here

For thus says the LORD, Who created the heavens, Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it, Who has established it, Who did not create it in vain, Who formed it to be inhabited. I am the LORD, and there is no other. Isaiah 45:18 (New King James Version)

Genesis 1:1 is the introduction of God and what He did. Chapters 44and 45 of Isaiah reiterate that truth of God’s existence as well as His creation. I would invite anyone to read those two chapters and underline each time God speaks of creating the world as well as being God alone. It is not only a rich theological find but a pivotal starting point for each of us.

Sad to say, some can read portions of Scripture and walk away unmoved and unchanged. They are much like Pharoah when Moses spoke to him about letting the children of Israel go free from Egyptian rule. His response? “Who is God?” It wasn’t a question of a searching heart but rather a proud statement of self-importance and self-worship. Some have little respect for the Word of God and have no trouble snubbing their noses and hearts at it. For them, we must continue to direct them back to Scripture and pray that one day God will open their heart to the truth.

I rejoice, though, that not everyone will have that response. Some, me included, will find great comfort and encouragement in the proclamation of God and His creation. When that happens, we come to realize that since He created everything and He is God alone, then He becomes our starting point for life. Here is what I take away from Scripture this morning.

God fashioned this world and established the way this world should operate. His Word is my guidebook for how to live in this world in relationship with God and others. He has a purpose for His creation and I am part of that purpose. Just as He did not create this world in vain, as a waste, or without intentional purpose, neither did He create me in vain, as a waste, or without intentional purpose. The world was created to be inhabited by us and we were created to be inhabited by God.

I have played board games with individuals who have made up their own rules to play by and the game no longer resembled its original design. That is okay to do with a game you purchase, but I do not want to live my life according to my own rules, boundaries, and plans. God’s ways and thoughts are higher than my own and I want live my life to the fullest. That is only possible as I align myself with His original design. That in turn, is only possible as I look into His Word and take note of how He says things are to operate. There is not an area or issue in my life that is not addressed in some way in the Bible. It is my intent to discover what it says and by God’s grace allow the truths to transform me.

Father, I am ready to approach Your Word in a life changing way. I have lived long enough my by own means, methods, and coping skills. Teach me. Guide me. Change me. Amen.

You Are God Alone - Phillips, Craig, & Dean

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.