Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Hand Delivered Gifts

You led Your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron. Psalm 77:20

I have learned over the years that many times God will use people in my life in specific ways. While He undoubtedly “takes hold of my right hand” like it says in Psalm 73:23, He will also lead me by the hand of certain individuals. I can shut my eyes and instantaneously I am reminded of those whom God purposefully placed in my life to give me direction, counsel, help, and godly examples to follow. Even though they were my mentors, it was still God who was leading. In the classroom of life, God wisely chooses the object lessons, tools, and resources that will best accomplish His work in my life.

One of the hardest lessons for me to learn has been that while God brings people into my life, He must remain my focus. It is too easy to become enamored by the person and shift my dependency over to them. I somehow forget they are simply a vehicle by which God is working. His desire is that whether I am surrounded by people or journeying alone with Him, I am daily being brought into a close, personal relationship with Him. It has been a blessing to realize that while I may receive something from an individual, it is God who is the original gift giver.

He chooses to minister to me through people in a variety of ways. I like to look at them like the gift boxes in which God determines to place His gifts. Those gifts may be encouragement, comfort, instruction, affirmation, acceptance, nurturing, or individualized attention. How I thank Him for each person He has ever sent into my life to deliver such lavish demonstrations of His love. How precious to realize that each one was hand selected by Him and given in delight. And how touching to understand that I too can be chosen to be a gift He offers to another person.
May I walk through today in wide-eyed wonder as I receive or become gifts from His hand. Given on purpose. Given in love. Given for a time.

Father, Your Son was the ultimate gift of love to me. Thank you for the many times You still present a gift to me in the form of a friend. You continue to amaze me with your generosity and extravagance. Amen.