Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A Change of Teachers

A pupil is not above his teacher; but everyone, after he has been fully trained, will be like his teacher. Luke 6:40

In the spring of 2004 I came across a person who possessed everything I lacked in my own Christian life. She was secure in who she was in Christ, she knew God loved her in an incredible way, she was free to be who God called her to be, and she lived connected to the heart of God. It took all of 5 minutes for me to say, “I want what she has!” It became my passion to learn everything I could from her. The questions I had for her were endless. The answers and suggestions she had for me were endless as well.

A student/teacher relationship has the most powerful results when the desire to learn and the passion to teach are both present. The thing I wanted to learn the most from my “teacher” was how to have a walk with God like hers. I wanted to know how to go to God with my needs. I wanted to allow God to give me my identity. I wanted to know what it was like to talk to God and hear Him speak to me as well. I wanted God’s Word to come alive to me. I wanted God to be everything to me! And these were the very things she was willing to teach me.

For two years she mentored me and it was intense. Many emails, phone calls, and discussions later I had taken in more information than I knew what to do with. She had poured life lessons into me and I walked equipped for a journey I had no idea I was about to enter. There came a time though when she stepped back as my mentor and placed me in God’s classroom. My first reaction was terror because of how dependent I had become on her. But with time I saw the necessity of her decision. For in order to have what I first saw in her I had to learn to look to God as my Teacher. Ultimately for me, walking with God was only possible when there was no longer another source to whom I could look.

Jesus’ words of being like my teacher are an encouragement to me when I see God as my Teacher. No amount of rubbing shoulders with others will give me what God desires to give me on His own….one on one!

Father, the most painful time in my life has led me into a relationship with You that I never dreamed was possible. Thank you for the wisdom of a mentor who knew when to step back and place me under Your instruction. Teach me! Amen.