Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Cure For What Troubles Me

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5,6 (KJV)

If I had to put this passage into my own words, it might read something like this, “Put full confidence in the Lord with your entire emotions, will, and intellect. Do not rely on your own interpretation of things. In every situation and part of your life know God and realize His presence, and He will definitely make the road you travel straight and discernable.”

This is such a common verse and there are times I say it with little or no thought. But in moments of doubt, fear, or apprehension I need it to be more than just a cliché to me. I need it to be my lifeboat on the storms of my soul. I need it to be my compass when I have lost my way. And like last night, I need it to be the words that rock me to sleep when I wake in the night with uncertainties racing through my mind.

For each of us, there are different reasons this passage of Scripture becomes a lifeline. It is usually an area that is out of our control and something that means a lot to us. Some of those areas might be the loss of a job, a serious health issue, uncertain future, important decisions, places of danger, family issues, or change in relationships.

God has given each of us the unique abilities to figure things out and consider our options. We love to brainstorm and see the best way to approach certain situations. There is nothing wrong with any of that. But when that simple exercise fills us with worry and causes us to lose sleep we have begun to live life far removed from Proverbs 3:5,6.

What this passage causes me to do this morning is review God’s character, power, and control. One way I do that is by reviewing incidents in the Bible of God’s intervention, direction, provision, and protection in the lives of His children. I belong to Him! And unless I am living in direct defiance of His will, I can be sure that each day He will straighten the path for me to walk on. This morning He quiets my heart and stills my fears with His words to me. I will go through the day digesting and embracing the truth of what He is saying.

Speak, Lord. I am listening. Amen.