Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Hand of the Lord

All who heard them kept them in mind saying, “What then will this child turn out to be?” For the hand of the Lord was certainly with him. Luke 1:66

Whenever I read the phrase ‘the hand of the Lord’ I instantly picture a hand like mine only larger. The word hand is used in many ways today. A person can be given a handout, a child can be a hand full, a person can offer a helping hand, we can have a hand in things. A grandmother in anticipation of the birth of a grandchild may say, “I can’t wait to get my hands on him.” That is far different from a person seeking revenge saying “Wait until I get my hands on you!” So I was curious as to what ‘the hand of the Lord’ meant.

In the Old and New Testaments there are many references to it and they mostly refer to God’s power, means, direction, nearness, guidance, and leadership. Hence, God’s intent seems to be to assist, empower, and direct us. The Lord’s hands involve provision, protection, chastisement, healing, comfort, or favor. He is a personal God who is deeply involved in every one of our life. As I become more aware of this, it changes the way I look at life… my life.

It is interesting to watch people’s responses to God’s hand in their life. Some harden their heart with an air of independence while others are fully aware of their need of Him. Some squirm under His hand while others find it a place of rest and assurance. It is trust versus mistrust. Much has to do with our understanding of who God is and what His character is like. If we view Him as One who is angry with us, out to get us, or disappointed in us we have a tendency to keep our distance. But if we learn the truth about God and His radical love for us we are drawn toward Him. His hand becomes something we welcome in our life.

May each one of us feel the weight of God’s hand on us today. May we be aware of His very presence and power in our life. And just like in the case of Zacharias’ son, may others see the hand of the Lord with us and wonder how our life will turn out.

Father, You formed me in my mother’s womb and You have continually kept Your hand upon me. May I not only sense Your hand on me but may I see Your fingerprints all over my life! Amen.