Thursday, January 18, 2007

Take It To Heart

If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto My name, saith the Lord of hosts. Malachi 2:2a

Anyone who has children or works with children knows the frustration that comes when your words fall on "deaf" ears. Many parents resort to having their children make eye contact with them and then repeat what was said to them. But the real test as to whether or not the child took in what was said is whether or not he acts upon it.

Malachi records God's words to the priests when He gave two desires of His. That they would listen and that they would lay His words to heart. Or as we would say "take it to heart." When something is taken to heart it is carried through and acted upon. The recipient goes beyond just doing what is told to him. He understands the heart wishes of the one speaking. His heart has been engaged ~ not just his ears and his mind.

Someone once said, "I please the one I love the most." When God is the One I love the most, I take His Words to heart and I make personal applications to my life. It goes beyond duty and becomes my joy! Paul said, "The love of Christ constrains me." In ourselves we come up short in loving God consistently. Perfection in that area (as well as in all areas) will not be attained until Heaven.

So daily we must come to God and ask Him to help us take His words to heart. Not just His words of correction but also His words of love and affirmation. I say this because I use to struggle to know I could own for myself the positive verses in scripture. Words of judgment and condemnation were easily applied to myself. They seemed to fit the false view of God I held. To me, He was a harsh judge who tolerated me more than He loved me.

The day I realized His love was not dependent on what I did was the day I began to see Him as the loving heavenly Father that He is, One who actually likes me, and One whose arms were no longer folded. When I understand the truth about God I am ready to listen and take His words to heart. For too many years my false view of God resulted in an inability to hear Him speak to me. My heart was closed to receiving His words. I walked empty.

Father, thank you for restoring my sight, my hearing, and my life! Amen.