Thursday, August 27, 2009
Rats and Garbage
Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for the enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour. I Peter 5:8 (Amplified Bible)
When my perspective about God is accurate it will result in change for me. Being aware of who God is, what God is like, and how God rules is necessary for an intimate walk with Him. Just as I must be aware of the truth about God I must also be aware of the truth about my enemy, Satan. Unfortunately, in many churches there is little if any teaching on what our enemy is really like and how he operates, let alone how to fight him. As long as the truth about him remains unknown he has an advantage in his roaming and devouring capabilities. I would venture to say that many of my defeats have been a result of not being aware of how the enemy works and what it is I can do about it.
Charles H. Kraft in his book, DEEP WOUNDS DEEP HEALING, has helped to open my eyes to one of Satan’s tactics. He refers to demons as rats and states that rats go for garbage. The garbage would be my unhealed wounds, emotional damage, false mindsets, strongholds, generational bents, and sinful practices (for starters). Since Satan and his demons cannot create things out of nothing they must latch on to things that are already present in my life. They are aware of my weaknesses and vulnerabilities and readily use them against me. They love to twist, distort, and falsely interpret the circumstances of my life. I can be sure that whatever lies I have believed about God, others, and myself will be the weapons they will use.
I not only must be aware of how the enemy works but when he is working as well. My mind is definitely his place of greatest attack and the effects are most felt in my emotions and attitudes which in turn affect my words, actions, and reactions. I therefore recognize when he has been active by noticing internal changes in myself. His “calling cards” for me are spiraling moods, feelings of oppression, hopelessness, discouragement, loss of peace and joy, confusion, a sense of isolation, and negative thought processes.
I am learning to acknowledge the work of the enemy and to rebuke him, renounce him, and reject him. With Scripture and the blood of Christ I can take authority (my God given authority) over what he is doing. I am not a helpless, defenseless victim. I am a child of God and a victor in Christ. As the “rats” scurry, God and I are slowly but surely removing the “garbage.” I no longer want to make it easy for them to have a feeding frenzy.
Father, thank you that my greatest enemy is already a defeated foe. Help me to walk in truth and victory. Amen.
You're the Heart of Me - Kathy Troccoli
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.