Sunday, January 14, 2007

Any and All Things

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13 KJV

Over what part of your life do you need this verse engraved today? Surely it is the essential truth that must be joined with any command of God. It is the ability that comes to our aid when faced with any task that seems impossible or improbable. It is our ray of hope on any given day when what we know we should do seems beyond our reach or capability. Maybe it is loving the unloving, stepping out of our comfort zone, standing up for what is right, taking on a new responsibility. It might be a physical, spiritual, emotional, or mental demand that is put on us. The very thing that comes to your mind as you read these words is the place that needs to embrace the truth of doing all things through Christ.

So what does that mean? How do we go about doing all things through Christ? We must believe the strength will come through Him. Strength would entail the ability, know how, and stamina to perform the task. We must be in daily relationship with Him….abide in Him. Spending time in His word, seeking His face in prayer, looking to Him for direction, help, and answers. All that we are looking to others to do for us is what we must transfer over to Him. In this day and age when people and tools are so readily available to us, it is easy to actually live out our Christian life independent of God. I speak from experience here. There is a vast difference between living the Christian life and living the Christian life in intimate, daily connection with God. A huge difference! And finally, we must cooperate with God. As God nudges us, commands us, and shows us the things we are to be doing, we must do them. Not in our own strength but in reliance on Him.

Relying on Him does not negate my part… fulfills it! There is no room for us to say, “I can do it myself.” It is not possible and it is not God’s desire or intent for us. It is a partnership of great proportion. It is fleshing out the truth of Philippians 2:13 which says, “it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work.” We are the vessels but He is the substance. May we live out today dependent upon Him, connected to Him, and capable by Him.

Father, living in and out of relationship with You makes all the difference in the world. Keep teaching me how to do that! Amen.