Sunday, January 14, 2007

Memorable Conversations

And all who heard Him were amazed at His understanding and His answers. Luke 2:47

At the age of twelve, Jesus sat in the temple talking with the rabbis and spiritual leaders of His day. Questions and answers were exchanged. His knowledge and His answers amazed these learned men. Not realizing they were talking to the God of the universe and assuming Him to be a mere child, this was all quite a stretch for them. Much in the same way a child prodigy amazes people today they were more captivated by His ability than His person and deity. What they failed to see was that the most amazing thing before them that day was not the conversation they held with Him, but the fact that God sat before them in the flesh of a child. Even at the age of twelve, Christ was fully God and fully man.

Lest I am too hard on these men, I am reminded of the years I spent misunderstanding the character of God. The more I get to know Him through Scripture, prayer, and people the more He amazes me. To think that the God of the universe has things to tell me if I will but listen still makes me marvel. His Word comes alive to me as I apply it to my life and my situations.
For decades I did not realize God had both understanding and answers for me. I took my concerns, problems, and questions to people. It seemed easier and safer to get answers and counsel from someone I could actually see rather than from a God I barely knew. But my Christian life took a drastic turn when I finally learned to go directly to Him. I was not only amazed at his understanding in the way of knowledge but His understanding in the way of compassion, sympathy, and concern. He became the God who whispers to me, “Cast all your care upon Me for I care for you.” The more I know Him the more I see His heart behind His words.

His answers also amaze me. I love to walk and it has become a precious question and answer time for me with my heavenly Father. There is such assurance that comes from knowing that as I pour my questions and my heart out to Him, by the time I get back home I am settled and possess answers that satisfy me.

Father, may I never cease to be amazed at Your personal involvement in my life. May conversations with You be what I crave more and more. Amen.