Sunday, January 14, 2007

Learning to Ask

Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean. Luke 5:12

I find it interesting that a leper uses the word “if“ as he comes to Jesus for healing. It is a word that denotes possibility with no absolute guarantee. It is not a matter of ability, opportunity, or power but rather choice and desire. He is on his face with intensity in his voice as he brings his need to the feet of Jesus.

We are not told how long this man had leprosy but we do know it was one of the most dreaded diseases in Bible times….comparable to AIDS of our day. Because of the contagious nature of leprosy, the leper had to live apart from family and community. He was not allowed physical touch or even to be in close proximity of non lepers. From a distance he would have to make his presence known by calling out “unclean!” Can you imagine the stigmatism, shame, and utter despair that marked this person’s life? And yet he approaches Jesus and wastes no time in letting Him know his heart’s desire.

Jesus’ response? He stretched out His hand, touched him, and said, “I am willing, be clean.” In an instant the leprosy left him! Jesus not only touched the untouchable but spoke the very words that brought healing and restoration. It was a ten word prayer and a five word answer that radically changed the course of this man’s life.

If this were our prayer today, how would we fill in the blank? “Lord, if You are willing, You can__________________.” May we not only come with the simplistic trust of this former leper, but may we anticipate the many times Jesus will respond in willingness. Jesus never intended prayer to be a complicated thing. It is not the length of the prayer or the usage of “right” words that constitute powerful prayers. It is the trusting heart of the person asking and the loving heart of the One answering. While there are times God says “no” to a request, petition, or desire, let us not forget He is willing to say “yes” on many occasions if we would but go to Him and ask. May I learn to ask with expectancy, trust with abandon, and embrace the love of my sovereign God.

Father, my prayers reveal a lot about how I view You. As You transform my view of You, my prayers will be radically changed. Amen.