Sunday, January 14, 2007

Locked Up But Not Limited

Herod also added this to them all; he locked John up in prison. Luke 3:20

I wish a journal had been published of John the Baptist’s imprisonment. It occurred to me this morning that there are three prison accounts given in Scripture but John’s is the only one that does not give a lot of detail. I am reminded of Joseph in the Old Testament and Paul later on in the New Testament. In all three cases we are given the reasons for their imprisonments. Joseph was put in prison because of false accusations made against him. But both John and Paul were put in prison because of their boldness to speak the truth! We are never told how long the prison terms lasted. We do know that Joseph eventually was released from prison and promoted to second in command of Egypt. But both John and Paul saw the end of their earthly lives there. Joseph had charge of other prisoners and Paul wrote some of his epistles from prison. But the only prison mention of John was when he grew discouraged and had his disciples ask Jesus if He was really the One they had been looking for. Jesus’ answer included a very positive summation of John’s life.

For all three of these men I would guess that prison could feel like the bottom had fallen out from underneath them. Like life itself had come apart. It would be easy to feel like they were at the mercy of people. So what is it I can learn from their experiences?

Joseph teaches me that even in the most difficult circumstances in my life God is able to bring people across my path with whom I can minister. If I will but take my eyes off myself and my circumstances and look to Him, He will in turn open my eyes to the people around me and reveal where I can be of help to them.

Paul teaches me that writing and speaking for Christ can be done at any place in my life. May the things I go through never silence me or bring my hands to a stand still. God’s character and the truths of His Word stand firmly no matter what happens in my life.

John teaches me that even if others misunderstand, God knows the truth about me and will one day allow that truth to be seen. I rest in that fact daily.

Father, prisons can either confine me or allow You to be uplifted. May I praise You in the midst of any storm, trial, or difficulty. You live! Amen!