Saturday, January 13, 2007

It's All in the Mind

But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart. Luke 2:19

Mary’s heart was her treasure cove. She was a woman who purposefully and carefully selected the things upon which she would meditate. She had a place deep within herself that she could resort to at any time from which to draw strength, encouragement, and direction. She knew that her external world had to be shaped by her internal world instead of the other way around.
I want to make sure that the things I am treasuring and meditating upon are the things that will equip and aid me for the journey I am on each day. The Bible says a lot about the things we allow to consume our thoughts and how those thoughts sway our actions, attitudes, and words. What are the things I spend most of my time thinking about? Chances are they will coincide with the very things I am saying throughout the day.

The mind is a wonderful thing and works on the same premise as a computer. I can store in my mind only those things that I put into it. Sounds simple but let me explain. Those things I see, hear, and experience in life become a permanent part of my thought life. I may not be able to recall all of the information that has entered my mind but it is there. And it can have a wide range of effects on me. The Bible says it like this, “As a man thinks in his heart so is he.” My thoughts and the things I choose to dwell on correlate with my view of life, myself, others, and even God.

It took me a long time to realize that not all my thoughts are true, necessary, or good for me. That is why it is imperative that I store up enough truth to come against the lies. I have seen people consumed with worry because they have not learned to take God’s Word, treasure it in their heart, and speak it over their life and their situation. I am amazed how quickly the lies dissipate and the attitude improves just by speaking the truth out loud.

So what is the truth? My feelings, my circumstances, my interpretation of things? No!!!! The truth is God is always good, kind, and in control. If my mind is telling me anything but that, I am believing lies and will live my day in defeat.

Father, only You can help me to properly interpret life and the things I experience daily. Help me to stand in Your truth! Amen.