Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Power of My Words

Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but a good word makes it glad. Proverbs 12:25

I am struck by the power of words. The most recent lesson I am learning to date is the choice I have to speak life or death over my situations, my relationships, my dreams, my family, and my internal or external world. I want to make sure that the words I release from my mouth will have the greatest, most positive effect on me as well as on the people within the range of my voice.

Knowing Scripture and the character of God are my two greatest assets to right speaking. As I implement them into my every day speech patterns, things begin to shift in a dramatic fashion. I have to realize that the things I feel, see, experience, and think must take a back seat to the realities of who God is and what He is able to do. If I only give voice to the doubts, discouragement, and fears, that will be what I wrap my soul in for the day. I will walk in defeat with a strong sense of hopelessness. I have been there and it is not enjoyable in the least! While there are times for being honest before God and admitting to Him and myself what is going on in my head, I must never leave the conversation on a down note.

David knew how to pour out his complaint before God but he always ended it with praise and proclamation of the power of God. There was no doubt that he felt more cared for by his heavenly Father than controlled by people or circumstances. A friend of mine once told me about the reversal rule. Rather than say, “I know the Lord is faithful but the situation looks hopeless” the reversal rule says, “The situation looks hopeless but I know the Lord is faithful.” That slight change puts the focus back on the Source of life.

The words that I choose to speak today will reveal a lot about what I really believe. They will reveal whether I believe God has more power or my circumstances have more power. They will reveal whether I walk in hopelessness or am held by Hope. God spoke the worlds into existence. What will I choose to speak into today? May they be words that express faith, truth, and power. I cannot live on anything less.

Father, I cringe when I think of the words that have been spoken by me in the past. May I live each day speaking words that empower myself and others. Amen.