Sunday, January 21, 2007

Who Am I?

And you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free. John 8:32

Who am I? Who is God? And who are we together? These are the questions for the beginning of a new journey in my life. Up until now I have not thought or even dared to ask them. Allowing God to give me the answers will forever change me. It will change the way I view myself, it will change my actions, it will change my desires, it will change everything about me, it will change the way I treat people, and it will change the rolls people and things play in my life.

This morning God is helping me to see what should not define me. What are the things that really do not tell me who I am or what I am like? Here is the list so far. I cannot define myself by what I own, who I know, what people think of me, how I look, opportunities I have, things I can do, what I portray to others, how people treat me, my limitations, my finances or lack thereof, the kind of car I drive, the kind of house I live in, the family that I grew up with, the family I now live with, my failures and successes, my ambitions, my disappointments, my joys, or even my personality. For if I define myself by these things that can so quickly change I am building my identity on shifting sand. They will not sustain me, fulfill me, satisfy me, or stabilize me to live my life as God intended me to live it. My identity cannot be based on anything external.

It is far too easy to think if I change things in my life, take on the characteristics of others, and have the right relationshipsTHEN I am improving who I am. But the person I am is not a garment I can put on and take off. While these things may shape me and change the way I think of myself they cannot change who I really am. They can only lead to living a life whereby I play dress up, make believe, and pretend. If they are removed from my life and I stand naked before God THAT is who I am.

It is essential that I look to God to show me who I am. His Word will tell me the good and bad about true self! I must see the full picture. If I only accept the bad then I will live in condemnation and shame. If I only accept the good then I will battle with pride and arrogance. Because God created me and He alone knows me inside and out, He is the only One qualified and able to tell me who I am.

Father, as I accept Your definition of who I am and allow it to become my identity, I will see myself with value, worth, and genuineness. Amen.