Monday, January 15, 2007

Oh, Yes, He Knows!

Now when the Pharisee who had invited Him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet He would know who and what sort of person this woman is who is touching Him, that she is a sinner.” Luke 7:39

A tender scene unfolded in the home of a Pharisee named Simon. While Jesus was in his home for a meal, a women with a sordid reputation came in, stood behind Him, and began weeping. With her tears she washed His feet, with her hair she dried His feet, with her lips she kissed His feet and with her perfume she anointed His feet. It would be a scene that would be unforgettable to say the least. But Simon’s own heart is revealed as He not only questions who Jesus is but can’t seem to get past his judgmental opinion of this woman. He judged her according to her past sin instead of her present state of worship. He did not realize that his perception and opinion of this woman were polar opposites to Jesus’ reaction to her.

He mistakenly thought the only reason Jesus did not treat her with disdain, rejection, and harshness was because He didn’t really know what kind of woman she was. The truth of the matter is, Jesus knew her from the time she was formed in her mother’s womb. He was witness to every moment of her life. Her tears, hands, kisses, and hair could touch Him now because her heart had already been touched by Him. If it had been Simon’s feet she was washing he would have made her feel shame and humiliation. But Jesus valued her, forgave her, and accepted her.
Jesus also had known Simon from the time he was formed in his mother’s womb. He was witness to every moment of his life as well. Simon’s attitude shows that he had yet to come to Jesus as the sinner he was and be so taken by the forgiveness of God that he would dare to do something radical out of appreciation. He was busy condemning this woman so that he would not have to face the issues of his own heart. He had yet to learn the truth that man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart.

Do you have someone like that in your life who refuses to see or admit your cherished position in Christ? Do you ever find yourself being like Simon? May we learn to walk in truth and in love.

Father, You know me through and through. May the thought of Your love, forgiveness, and acceptance of me give me an extreme worship of You. Amen.