Monday, January 15, 2007

Standing Guard

He who guards his mouth and his tongue, guards his soul from troubles. Proverbs 21:23

Like a sentinel keeping guard over a prisoner or a valuable treasure we are commanded to guard many things in our life. This morning Scripture reminds me to guard my soul, my mouth, my foot, my heart, my mind, and the doors of my mouth. This implies protection, watchfulness, attentiveness, safety, and preservation. If I were guarding a prisoner it would be to keep him from escaping. But if I am guarding a valuable treasure it would be to insure it from being taken. In a sense, today’s verse has both these ideas. There are certain things I do not want to escape from my mouth and there is a protectiveness against my mouth being taken captive by wrong usage. So what are the things God would have me guard my mouth and tongue against? From what do I want to keep my mouth from doing? Here are some things that come to mind.

Gossip! Saying those things that are not true, kind, or necessary about other people. Gossip serves one purpose and one person only. It’s purpose is to destroy another person’s character and reputation. It poisons the thoughts of a person against another. It inflicts unnecessary pain and suffering in an individuals life. Often it is done to bolster ones sense of superiority and an attempt to gain acceptance. Oh, that we would see the seriousness and repercussions of our words against another individual.

Lying! Saying those things that are untrue, incomplete, exaggerated, or inaccurate. Many times it serves the purpose of avoiding self disclosure and facing of consequences. It is a form of hiding for self protection. Based in fear and pride it has a shaky foundation at best. It breaks trust and security with the very ones with whom we seek build relationship.

Inappropriate talk! Whether it is foul language, filthy jokes, suggestive innuendos, racial slurs, or taking God’s name in vain it is imperative that we do not let it become a part of our speech in private or public. Along with these would be negative talk, angry words, and words of unbelief. May God help us to be on guard today!

Father, words really do live. May I be one to use life giving words to others and myself. I take my charge seriously and look to You for daily instruction, guidance, discernment, and help. Amen.