Monday, January 15, 2007

Redirecting My Focus

Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. I Corinthians 10:31

Behind everything I do and say there are motives and agendas. The Holy Spirit desires to shine the light of truth on the corners of my soul to reveal to me how far removed from this verse I often live out my days. What I see I can either deny and pretend it doesn’t exist. Or I can admit it, repent of it, take it to the cross for cleansing, and allow God to transform me.

God is putting His finger on an area in my life this morning that actually hinders me from doing all things for His glory. It happens every time I seek the approval, recognition, acceptance, and respect of my peers over that of my heavenly Father. I read an Oswald Chamber’s quote in the Daily Bread this morning that is speaking volumes to me. He said, “A beautiful saint may be a hindrance if he does not present Jesus Christ but only what Christ has done for him; he will leave the impression--’what a fine character that man is!’--that is not being a true friend of the Bridegroom; I am increasing all the time, He is not.”

When I see that aspect in myself I have to fall on my face before God and ask Him to forgive me and change me! I find it too easy to be impressed with myself or another person rather than with the God who is working in each of us. He is the Potter and so often I am focused on the clay He is molding. I hear a speaker and I walk away thinking of and talking about how great the speaker was rather than the One the message was about. I can become enamored with musicians, authors, actors, significant people, and anyone else who stands out to me when all the time God is not the One being glorified.

So I ask myself this morning, who has my attention? Who am I focused on? Who am I really watching and wanting to pattern my life after? Who is the center of my life? If it is not God, THAT needs to change. But it is a change that can only come about as He works in me.

Father, I don’t like this side of me so I am bringing it to You for Your transforming touch. May You be preeminent in my thoughts and my life. May I no longer give Your place away to another person or myself. Amen.