Tuesday, February 28, 2006
His Plan and His Purpose
My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all My good pleasure…truly I have spoken, truly I will bring it to pass. I have planned it, surely I will do it. Isaiah 46:10 & 11
What a passage of assurance! For those of us who sometimes question whether God has a plan for our life and whether He will accomplish anything with us, these verses are meant for us today! Just look at God’s list! He promises, “I will accomplish it, I will bring it to pass, I will do it.” What is it He accomplishes, brings to pass, and does? His purpose!
I sometimes think of God’s purpose as being the same as His plan. But there is a difference! A purpose is an intentional, determined reason. A plan is the method for achieving an end. In other words, God has a plan to bring about His purpose. He has a way of accomplishing His design for my life.
Jeremiah encourages me with this reminder from God…”For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.” I know that ultimately, God is on my side. This is not to say I will not suffer. But I must understand who or what is behind the suffering.
The discomforts of this life can usually be traced back to various sources. I live in a fallen world which includes sickness, loss, death, unfairness, etc… I am a recipient of other people’s wrong choices, motives, and actions against me. I face the consequences of my own intentional or unintentional sinful choices. The enemy of my soul is seeking to destroy me. While God may allow heartache and trouble to come into my life, He is not necessarily the perpetrator of such things. As long as I choose to blame Him I will avoid turning to Him for help, comfort, and strength.
But even those things will not thwart His purpose for me. He will use everything to accomplish and bring about His intentions. My part is to simply trust, follow, and cooperate. As His child, I am in good hands.
Father, I rest in the fact that You have a purpose and a plan. May I daily sense the fulfillment of both. Amen.
Monday, February 27, 2006
A Family Resemblance
To whom would you liken Me and make Me equal and compare Me, that we would be alike? Isaiah 46:5
Throughout Scripture, God proclaims He is God alone and there is no other. While people may claim He is one of many gods, He sets the record straight. There are countless false gods but only one true and living God. He alone created this world and He alone sustains it. He is the only One who deserves to be worshipped and will share His glory with no one else. He said He is a jealous God. So when I read His question in today’s verse I answer it with a resounding “No One”… as far as gods are concerned.
Yet I know that as His child He wants nothing more than to transform me into the likeness of His son. Jesus was the very likeness of His Father. He told His disciples, “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.” If we want to know what God is like we simply look at Jesus. His desire now is that we would be a picture of Him to others.
This is only possible as we spend time with Him. It is a daily process of getting into His Word, allowing His Word to get into us, and asking His Spirit to change us at the very core of our being. As we talk to Him throughout our day and allow Him to talk to us as well, we find a connection with His heart that is able to cause us to resemble Him.
My mother is in Heaven now but people tell me I am just like her. I enjoy hearing that! I know the character qualities they are referring to and the comparison is usually meant as a compliment. I inherited many traits from her and watched those traits develop as we spent time together.
I also know that when I admire people and spend time with them I tend to take on some of their qualities as well. They impact my life in such a way that I smile as I see resemblances of them in the way I think, speak, and act.
God is in the process of daily conforming us to the image of His Son. It brings Him great joy when we bear a family resemblance. When we become His through faith in Christ, we inherit many of His traits. As those traits are developed the likenesses become evident.
So who is like God? Hopefully it can be said, “His children!”
Father, You created us in Your image. While sin mars that image, You are restoring it. May I imitate You today. Amen.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
God Carries Me
You have been borne by Me from birth and have been carried from the womb; even to your old age I will be the same and even to your graying years I will bear you! I have done it, and I will carry you; and I will bear you and I will deliver you. Isaiah 46:3,4
When my children were born I carried them everywhere. There was no way for them to go from one place to another without being picked up and carried. As they grew, learned to crawl, and eventually learned to walk and run, I carried them less and less. Now at the ages of 15, 17, and 19 I wouldn't think of picking them up and carrying them...physically. Yet I still have ways of carrying them in my heart, my prayers, and by encouraging words.
I am reminded this morning that God has carried me from the womb and continues to do so as an adult just a couple years shy of 50. His carrying implies many things. He holds me, sustains me, equips me, keeps me, provides for me, maintains me, and takes charge of me. He has made Himself entirely responsible for my success, effectiveness, and continuation. My part is to simply cooperate with Him.
There are times when I (like a stubborn child) want to do it myself and go my own direction. I can fight against the very things He wants for me. While never leaving me, He lovingly allows me to squirm away until painful consequences drive me back to His arms. When I come in repentance and brokenness, He does not hesitate to pick me up and carry me again. He is the ultimate Father of the returning prodigal.
May I not desire anyone or any thing else to be my support and foundation. I cannot afford to exchange being carried by Him for any other bearer of my soul, my burdens, or my life.
Father, continue to carry me day by day. Let me sense Your presence at every moment throughout the day and night. I love being carried by You. Amen.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Designed With A Purpose
For thus says the LORD, who created the heavens (He is the God who formed the earth and made it, He established it and did not create it a waste place, but formed it to be inhabited). I am the LORD, and there is none else. Isaiah 45:18
Rick Warren wrote the book called THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE. I know many people have bought it, read it, and benefited from it. While I haven't finished reading it yet I understand the message within it....to know God's purpose for our life. If a book were written on today's verse it could be entitled THE PURPOSE DESIGNED EARTH.
It would start out with the creation aspect. God fashioned the earth, molded it, and arranged it in just the right way. He created and equipped our planet to sustain life. To this day it is the only planet that possesses all the means for life to continue. For centuries people have breathed the air, drank the water, and eaten the food, yet the supply has not been diminished. What beauty continues as we see mountains, oceans, sunsets, and meadows! Wildlife in all its magnificence captivates us. So much abounds that God Himself spoke into existence.
But what would this planet be without people to enjoy it? A waste place. Desolate, empty, worthless. Over run by plants and animals ~ a glorified zoo or greenhouse. No one to notice and respond with praise to the Creator. What would be the purpose? No, He did not create it as a waste place. He made it to be inhabited!
His purpose for the Earth was to be lived on. It was created for us! Our home, our dwelling place. Not just to exist here but to work, play, relax, enjoy, and thrive here. So much beauty, so much space, so much richness. Take all of the technology and nothing compares to the roar of the ocean, the majesty of mountains, the intensity of waterfalls, the wonder of star lit skies, the fragrance of flowers, the adventures of forests, or the miracle of birth. I will never get over the beauty of changing seasons.
All of this and more makes me appreciate God's gift of life to each of us. And just as He created this world to be inhabited by us, He created us to be inhabited by Himself through Jesus. May He daily transform me into His kind of dwelling place.
Father, the wonder of Your creation overwhelms me at times. Thank you for deciding that I would be a part of it. Amen.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Having the Right Motives
Motives are those needs or desires in us that cause us to act a certain way. As I think about it, each of my words and actions have a motivation behind them. It becomes easy to play the "exchange" game....doing something for someone in order to get a need in my life met. What looks like an act of love may very well be my way of getting love in return.
So what are some of the things that drive me to do the things I do? What needs am I looking to others to meet for me? While this list isn't necessarily easy to write or read it reveals truth. I look for attention, appreciation, applause, approval, affirmation, compliments, assurance, and acceptance. I can tell those are my motives because when I don't get them I walk empty and my emotions become a heap.
What I am learning is the problem is not having these needs. The problem is looking to people to be my source for getting the needs met. God calls it exchanging His supply of water for broken cisterns. When all the while He is offering me the very things I am craving.
How different He is from us! Isaiah reminds me of three incredible things God does for us. He arouses us, makes our way smooth, and sets us free. He helps us to see the very obstacles that are hindering us to live life as He meant it be lived. Two years ago God woke me up to my own spiritual hunger, emptiness, and futility. He started me on a journey that had His direction and made progress possible. It is a continual experience of freedom in many aspects. And to think He does all that without expecting payment or reward.
God is not a god who does something and then wants to know what I plan to do to pay Him back. Salvation is not that way and neither is the Christian life. That would be like parents giving gifts to their children with bills attached to each one for repayment. God is not like that! When I think He is, I begin to live my Christian life out of duty, performance, and debt. I feel like a slave instead of a child.
Father, it is painful to look at these issues. May the new heart You are creating in me begin to transform my motives toward You and others. Amen.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
His Choice For Me
So often in Scripture we are told to do certain things. Here are a few of those commands: put on the whole armor of God, walk in the spirit, study to show yourself approved, forgive one another, etc.... How precious it is then to come across a verse that shows me something that God does for me. He girds me.
When I first read this verse, I thought of girding as being clothed or bound. The dictionary helped to expand my definition. It gave me the idea of encircling, making fast, surrounding, preparing, and providing. That’s quite a list! God literally gets me ready for reach day's duties, battles, adventures, and encounters.
There are at least three things the Bible tells me that He girds me with. They are strength, gladness, and power. These are the very things He equips me with as I step into another day of living in a fallen world. They are the tools I can use to come against ANY thing that wants to steal my joy, peace, and security.
I find one of the biggest joy stealers in my life has to do with times when people let me down. Many times they are not even aware they are doing it. My expectations run high and I make them a source they weren't meant to be. It is at that point I can choose the gladness God has girded me with or I can gird myself with doubts, discouragement, self condemnation, self pity, and anger. It becomes a "place" I choose to visit. And though it may be familiar to me, it is not comfortable, encouraging, or good.
I found myself returning to that place just a couple weeks ago. Once I realized it I prayed one of those simple prayers that become so powerful and life changing. I told God I didn't want to go there or stay there. Instead I wanted to resort to the shelter of His wings.
I am not exaggerating in the least when I say my demeanor, mood, emotions, and outlook instantly changed. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I see now that I always have a choice where I choose to abide and with what I choose to be girded.
Father, You have already chosen the right garments for me to wear and the right place for me to abide. Thank you for not allowing my own choices to feel good. Amen.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Finding Treasure and Wealth
I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden wealth of secret places, so that you may know that it is I, the LORD, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name. Isaiah 45:3
I love it when I am reading a portion of Scripture and suddenly see a truth I never saw before. For me, that is the treasure and hidden wealth of God's Word. Each morning as I open the Bible, I anticipate the gold nuggets He has planned for me to find. I will admit, it has not always been like this.
Not too long ago, a friend of mine expressed what so many people feel when approaching God's Word. She said when she reads it she gets nothing out of it. Her quiet time becomes a chore she simply crosses off her list when finished. I remember the feeling! I remember having those very thoughts.
There was no joy at the thought of opening Scripture. If my goal was to read a certain number of chapters I did so and closed my Bible an unchanged person. I tried study guides....they bored me. I tried schedules...they left me feeling like a failure when I fell behind. New Years’ resolutions to read through the Bile would last all of a couple weeks and I'd just give up. Then it would be months before I'd attempt to pick up my Bible again.
I lacked hunger, appreciation, and desire to read Scripture. I knew it was something I should do but didn't see any good that came of it. Something was wrong and I couldn't figure out what it was. But it all changed in the spring of 2004 when I sat in my kitchen with my Bible and simply asked God to show me His heart in Scripture. I wanted to really get to know Him and to see what He was really like in His Word.
Not sure what would happen, I began reading and within a few verses the "light" was coming on for me. Right before my eyes, Scripture was coming alive to me. I believe it was that very day I took a notebook and began to journal the truths that were making their way from His Word into my heart. My life has not been the same since. I am not the same person I was two years ago. I now have a half dozen notebooks full of my treasure hunts.
Father, You enjoy revealing Yourself in Scripture and I enjoy being the recipient. Thank you for helping me to finally experience this aspect of the Christian life. Amen.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Here By His Choice
Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, and the One who formed you from the womb, I the LORD, am the maker of all things... Isaiah 44:24
God's involvement in my life did not begin when I accepted Christ as my Savior. My salvation simply put me into family relationship with Him. The moment I trusted Christ to be my Savior in July of 1973 was the moment I became His child ~ His daughter. But His history with me was evident long before that.
I love the fact that God formed me in my mother's womb. He was active and present in the first seconds of my conception. He had His hands on me and was fashioning me for a purpose in the same way that He formed the earth from nothing and Adam from dust. He put into place all the intricate details for my body as well as my soul, spirit, and personality. As a potter molds clay, He molded me. I was His personal creation in every way.
And while He was forming me, He was talking to me as well. Isaiah 49:1 says He called me and named me. In the KJV it says He made mention of my name. What a personal, intimate Creator! I often wonder if at that time He was speaking His plans over my life. Whispering to me His intentions for me. That maybe today as I desire certain things, they are mere echoes of His words spoken long ago. I'd like to think so!
There have been truths I failed to grasp for years. A number of years ago, my mother shared with me the reaction she had when she found out she was pregnant with me. In essence, she shared some details of my womb experience. I was the fourth child to be born. At the time, my parents’ marriage was strained and finances were tight. So my mom's initial reaction to my conception was anger and tears. Hence, the message was delivered to me as I lived in her womb that I was a burden. It manifested itself into my adult years as an ever present idea that I was a burden to any people in my life ~ even close friends.
God is in the process of rewriting that message and He is starting with the truth of His choice for me to be born. When negative thoughts arise I now have something to counter them with. He loved me, chose me, formed me, called me by name, and purposed my existence. I am alive and here on purpose!
Father, You not only hold my hand today, your were holding it as You formed me. I am touched by Your touch. Amen
Saturday, February 18, 2006
It's All in the Heart
He feeds on ashes, a deceived heart has turned him aside. And he cannot deliver himself, nor say, is there not a lie in my right hand? Isaiah 44:20
The Bible speaks of various kinds of hearts. I looked up "heart" in my Strong's Concordance and was amazed at the list I found just from the first five books of the Bible. Some were admirable hearts and others were in need of transformation. Allow me to share my findings.
I saw a hardened heart, an evil heart, a grieved heart, an honest heart, an innocent heart, a failed heart, a glad heart, a willing heart, a stirred heart, a wise heart, a hateful heart, a sorrowful heart, a selfish heart, a discouraged heart, an obstinate heart, a departing heart, a lifted up heart, an upright heart, a servant's heart, a deceived heart, a wicked heart, a hot heart, a fainting heart, an astonished heart, a joyful heart, a glad heart, a fearful heart, a perceptive heart, a blessed heart, a circumcised heart, a loving heart, and a turned away heart. I now have a better understanding of various heart conditions. Considering the heart is "ones innermost character, feelings, and inclinations " it is easy to see the importance of having a right heart.
Our words, actions, and attitudes are a result of what is going on in our heart. They are fruit from the "trees" of our heart. No wonder we are encouraged to watch over our heart with all diligence, because from it flow the springs of life (Proverbs 4:24). I recently heard a speaker talk about the necessity of reaching the heart of our children. For them or us, that is the only way true change will come about.
In today's verse the deceived heart has three characteristics. It turns a person away from God, cannot deliver him, and keeps him holding on to lies. This type of heart can be found in anyone. So I must ask myself how as a Christian I can be deceived. Unless I know the truths about God and His Word I am a walking target for deception. And the frustrating part about deception is that many times we don't know we are embracing it.
I must continually ask God to search my heat and reveal to me where I am living with deception or any other negative condition.
Father, may my heart be an open book to You. May I long to know the truth about the condition of my heart as much as You long to show me. Amen.
Friday, February 17, 2006
He Never Leaves
When you pass through the water, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched. Isaiah 43:2
Ever go through a difficulty or loss and someone you hoped would be there for you wasn’t? For whatever reason they were unavailable. You long to hear words of encouragement from them but nothing comes. Not an email, not a phone call, not a visit. The worst part of any trial is the feeling of abandonment and a sense that you are on your own.
Jesus wanted to make sure we knew He would be with us and see us through any and all painful situations…no matter the size or duration. Someone once said when you find yourself in the oven of affliction, God’s eye is on the clock and His hand is on the dial. Although it is easy to sense His distance He is still a very present help in time of trouble.
Rather than abandon He draws close. Rather than ignore He consistently watches. Rather than distance Himself He carries. He is like no one else. People can pray, encourage, counsel, listen, and help. But only God can step in and minister to the deepest hurts, fears, wounds, and emotions we experience.
He is not just watching from a distance ~aware of what is happening. He is in the water, river, and fire with us. There may be times the water level rises so high that He must put me on His shoulders or the flame’s heat becomes so intense He must shelter me under His wings for protection. Other times He may just need to hold my hand or put His hand on my shoulder. But at no time does He become preoccupied with other things and have to withdraw.
Yet, even with all that, He still sends friends of faith into my life to encourage me. It may be just a phrase or two reminding me that God is in control and cares for me. It may be a reminder of their prayers. It may be assurance of their help if needed. These and many other kindnesses are like “hugs” to my spirit. As they are expressed, He squeezes my hand tighter, smiles, and nods His approval. For their words have not only touched my heart, but they have touched His as well.
Father, I embrace Your words of “I will never leave you.” They allow me to pass and walk through it all. Amen.
I Can Finally See
They do not know, nor do they understand, for He has smeared over their eyes so that they cannot see and their hearts so they cannot comprehend. Isaiah 44:18
Until God opens our spiritual eyes, we cannot see or comprehend the truths of His Word. Concepts stay out of reach. Understanding remains a mystery. It is like looking at a book written in a language you have not learned yet. God must intervene before His truths can be digested.
I look at this passage in Isaiah 44:9-20 with amazement. It is entitled "The Folly of Idolatry." It goes on to describe a person who makes his own idol and then worships it. He does not even question the foolishness of this. It is an idol he has made and yet he worships it and prays to it. I imagine people who came out of idolatry to know and serve the living God were incredulous that they ever worshiped the idols to start with.
If I could write a chapter about my blind days it would be entitled "The Folly of Legalism." Legalism is defined as "strict, literal, or excessive conformity to the law or to a religious or moral code that restricts free choice." I was not walking in freedom as long a I felt God's acceptance of me was determined by my standard keeping and performance. It wasn't working for salvation per say. It was working to somehow become acceptable to God and to be loved by God.
During that time, God's voice was not discernible to me, His Word was not appealing to me, and His work in my life was not evident to me. I could work, keep my list of duties, and live under the burden of perfectionism but it never brought me into a friendship type relationship with my Creator.
I had resigned myself to the fact that life would always be like that. God would always be my task master and harsh judge. From day to day I felt the condemnation of His disapproval. It wasn't until God removed the veil from my eyes, mind, and spirit that I could see my own faulty thinking and gain a hope that things could actually be different for me.
That was two years ago this month. I do know this ~ now that I have tasted of true freedom and caught a glimpse of what God is really like, I hunger to know more! The old way no longer appeals to me.
Father, You knew the day You would give me the gift of spiritual sight and understanding. I marvel at what I see now! Thank You. Amen.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
A Blind Comparison
We do not always appreciate the generosity of God…..especially when others are the recipients. One quick read through of Matthew 20:1-16 reveals an aspect of human nature that is uncomfortable to admit for oneself. The parable is told of a landowner who hires men to work in his vineyard. Some are hired first thing in the morning and others throughout the day all the way up to the last hour of the day. The first to be hired agree to work for a denarius. This was the usual pay for a day’s work. At first they were content with the idea but by the end of the parable they are grumbling and accusing the landowner of unfairness because he had the “audacity” to give everyone the same pay whether they worked all day or just one hour. Their comparisons to others, false assumptions, and lack of appreciation for generosity robbed them of joy and contentment.
The thing about the parables Jesus gave is they have a way of becoming a mirror for us to see ourselves. Sad to say, I can relate all too well to the feelings of the group that worked all day. If given the same circumstances in my life I would probably respond in the same way. We have a scale by which we weigh and measure the things in life and we mistakenly think God has the same scale. We cannot fathom the depths of God’s grace and the heart of His generosity.
When we live our lives comparing ourselves to others in the area of health, marriage, finances, friendships, gifts, talents, opportunities, positions, possessions, and popularity we set ourselves up for dissatisfaction, unhappiness, and even anger. We are fine as long as things seem even or if we are a little ahead of everyone else. But when another individual receives something we don’t have or is given an opportunity we do not get we can be filled with jealousy. I would venture to say this can even be a problem among ministries.
Yet, my perspective of this parable changed when the author, Phillip Yancey, pointed out the necessity for us to see ourselves as the workers who were called out to the vineyard during the last hour of the day. It is then that I realize God has been extravagant with His generosity to me in multiple ways! May I know that He has NEVER short changed me.
Father, Your generosity leaves me in awe! Amen.
God's Declaration Over Us
But now, thus says the LORD, your Creator, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel, do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine! Isaiah 43:1
Ever hear a child yell out, "That's mine!"? They are passionate about their possession. Saying "That's mine" is their way of declaring ownership, desire, and longing for a certain object. Two things are certain....the object is theirs and they will not share it with another ~ at the moment anyway. There are only a few reasons they claim it as their own to start with. They found it, they made it, they bought it, or they received it as a gift. Whatever the case may be, they KNOW that they KNOW it is theirs!
I find such security in God's declaration pertaining to His people...."You are Mine!" As I slip my name into this verse I am filled with a sense of awe. I am embracing the truth that God not only claims me as His own but He is passionate about it. He gives two reasons for His possessiveness ~ He created me and redeemed me.
I remember the first time someone shared with me the idea that God not only loves me but pursues me in order that I would come to know Him. He wooed me to win me! I still cannot fully grasp that wonder. This morning I hear Him speaking this verse into my heart and over my life. He is speaking in hushed tones and with gentleness. I picture myself as a small child, sitting on His lap. One arm holds me while the other smoothes back my hair. My spirit is warmed as the words sink in. Knowing that I belong to Him makes me feel safe.
He calls me by name. He not only knows my name ~ He uses it when He speaks to me. May I ponder all of this throughout my day. It leaves me feeling cared for, wanted, and cherished. His personal touch and undivided attention arrest my heart.
My response back to Him is, "Yes, I am Yours." In the awareness of that, I can now serve Him, obey Him, and love Him because I am His.
Father, You have reached me at the core of who I am today. I receive Your words and Your embrace. Amen.
To Go Without
He gets hungry and his strength fails; he drinks no water and becomes weary. Isaiah 44:12
Our physical bodies need sustenance on a daily basis. As we expend energy in any number of ways we use up what has been stored in our systems. Once it is used up it cannot replenish itself ~ it must be replaced. If we go for too long without taking in more food and liquid our bodies suffer for it.
A while back I learned this lesson first hand. I was in need of God's intervention in a mighty way. I had fasted before but this time I looked to the fast Esther called for...a three day fast without food or water. The first day went fine as my body just lived off stored up nutrients. The second day, I felt a bit shaky but nothing serious. It was the morning of the third day that my body finally crashed. I ended the fast after 52 hours. I felt very weak, light headed, and extremely nauseous. At first I thought I could just take in water but I felt worse. So I decided to give my body what it needed...food.
Here is what surprised me. Although I ate food and drank liquids the physical weaknesses lingered for 3 more days! On that third day God began to show me the spiritual ramifications and similarities.
I must daily take in my spiritual food. I do this through reading God's Word, journaling, praying, fellowship, etc... If I don't meet with God for one day I won't necessarily feel the effects. A second day is a little more noticeable ~ as the spirit weakens the flesh seems to gain strength. By the third day I am in a starvation mode and my spirit crashes.
The remedy is to take in the Word and living water. But just like in my experience with the fast, my spiritual condition may continue to lack strength for a few more days. In a sense, I need to replenish my spiritual reserve. So often I could not see this principle. I'd get discouraged when I wasn't immediately strengthened again. I see now there is a process.
Fasting is a Biblical concept and has many rewards. The spiritual insights alone are astounding. At the same time, God's Word and prayer are not what we as believers should fast from. Yet that is exactly what we do when we skip this precious time. Like physical food, our spiritual intake needs to be continual.
Father, You offer me a banquet every day! Your invitation to "come and dine" is so lavishly given. May I hunger and thirst for You daily! Amen.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
A Captive Set Free
For now I will break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder. Nahum 1:13
Ever feel like your life is under someone else's control, manipulation, or influence? Ever feel like some habit has you in its grip? Nothing leaves us more defeated then when we are held captive by strongholds. It can be a person, a habit, a generational bent, a thought pattern, or strong desires that rear their ugly heads.
We hear a lot today about addictions. Something that has a grip on your life of which you are not free. I use to buy into the lie that certain things would always have me in bondage. But today, Scripture reminds me that God is still in the business of setting captives free. It is not His desire that I stay bound. As I raise the shackles of my life to Him, He not only possesses the key to unlock them, He takes them away and destroys them. Their presence and effect on me need no longer hold sway.
Every day can be an emancipation proclamation from those things, attitudes, and people who have me enslaved....or rather that I have voluntarily put myself under their control. May I be honest enough with myself and God to admit my bondage and addictions. May I be willing to confess any known sin that feeds the stronghold. And may I allow God to do His work of freedom and restoration in me. The truth does set me free indeed!
God, You alone can help me live in freedom. I come to You. Amen.
Darkness Into Light
I will lead the blind by a way they do not know, in paths they do not know I will guide them. I will make darkness into light before them and rugged places into plains. These are the things I will do and I will not leave them undone. Isaiah 42:16
There was a time I walked in spiritual blindness and darkness. Before accepting Christ, I was blind to God, His Word, and His gift of salvation. My only Bible knowledge was that God had created the Heavens and the Earth, and that Adam and Eve were the first two people whom He created. That was it! I could not have told you anything about Jesus and what He did on the cross for each of us. I could not have told you a book of the Bible, the name of a person from the Bible, or the simplest Bible story. However, once I accepted Christ, I began reading the Bible and a whole new world was opened up to me.
Thirty years later I found myself with spiritual blindness and darkness once again. Although I knew many stories and principles from Scripture and I knew Jesus as my Savior, my Christian life was empty and what I believed about God was distorted. I could not walk in joy and peace when (to me) God seemed like a harsh judge with folded arms and One who tolerated me more than loved me. I feared Him, seldom read His Word, and sporadically prayed. From time to time there were brief moments of spiritual highs but they did not last.
I was blind to God's love for me. Blind to the fact that His love was NOT dependent on what I did. Blind to seeing His heart in Scripture. Blind to true freedom in Christ. Blind to living my life daily connected to the heart of God. The day I began to learn and embrace the truth about God and the Christian life was the day I sensed God's leading and guiding in my life. The light came on and the terrain changed.
Meeting with God each morning is now a high-light of my day. Prayer is now a conversation that runs both ways. Opening Scripture is now looked forward to and regular. My identity is found in Christ and I am guided by His Spirit instead of a list of do's and don'ts. My eyes have been opened as the "scales" of legalism have fallen. My hearing is no longer dulled to the voice of God.
Father, this is what You have always wanted for me. I am not the same person I was two years ago. Continue to do Your work in me. Amen.
Feeling Like I Belong
This one will say, "I am the LORD'S," and that one will call on the name of Jacob; and another will write on his hand, "Belonging to the LORD," and will name Israel's name with honor. Isaiah 44:5
It is important to not only know who we are but also to Whom we belong. We live in a fallen world where some nations are ruled by tyrants and dictators. They are known for their cruelty, harshness, bondage, and greed. Their subjects are wanted only for what they can contribute. Worth and value have to be earned but are not permanent. They can be replaced at any time and rarely get a nod of approval.
Some animal owners are known for their cruelty as well. The pets are not cared for, talked to, enjoyed, or loved. Neglect and shame are the "blankets" they curl up on.
Some employers rarely acknowledge a job well done. Compliments are unheard of while condemnation and criticism abound. Workers strain under the weight of disapproving stares and cold shoulders. Encouraging words would go a long way!
The list could go on and on. As you ponder the people whose authority you are under and you look at the kind of leaders they are, you either smile or groan. But in today's verse I can sense the joy and security that abound as people proclaim who they belong to! Scripture is full of God's character qualities that leave us feeling very much loved and cared for.
God is shown as a loving Father, a tender Shepherd, a solid Rock, a safe Shelter, a compassionate King, a close Friend, a triumphant Savior, and a protective Brother. When life gets hard and no one seems to be able or willing to give you what you want or need, it is imperative to look to your Restorer, Redeemer, and Reconciler. His internal work in you starts a chain reaction that is incredible!
Father, may I learn to truly brag on You. May I proclaim with passion that I belong to You! Amen.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
He Has Me Covered
I am the LORD, I have called you in righteousness, I will also hold you by the hand and watch over you. Isaiah 42:6
Each of us wants to know that we are not alone in this life. When I first began this journey with God two years ago, God brought a person into my life to encourage and instruct me. She metaphorically took my hand and said, "I will walk with you." All along, I have appreciated her wisdom and counsel. It has made a huge difference in my life.
How precious it is then for me to read this verse and see God's tenderness toward me as well. While these words originally pertained to Christ, they are whispered to each of us as believers. I sense a gentleness in God's voice as He reassuringly says, "I have called you, I will hold your hand, and I will watch over you." I have sensed His hand and His watchful eye during some of the darkest moments as well as the mountaintop experiences.
This morning I am touched by His individual, personal involvement in my life. What I failed to find in my earthly father, I embrace and adore in my heavenly Father. His tenderness, compassion, and protection leave me in awe. I picture a daddy with a toddler who is just learning to walk. He towers over his little one, bends over him from behind, holds his hands for support, and watches every move he makes.
I remember when my spiritual legs were wobbly. Each step felt uncertain. There was so much I was letting go of but His hands were there to hold on to. Now the journey has gotten more intense and my grip has tightened. God's hands have remained available and strong. He has not taken His eyes off me. His presence has been felt.
Father, I feel at times that I am so young in You. May I never walk independently of Your hand or Your eye. Amen.
A Change of Teachers
A pupil is not above his teacher; but everyone, after he has been fully trained, will be like his teacher. Luke 6:40
In the spring of 2004 I came across a person who possessed everything I lacked in my own Christian life. She was secure in who she was in Christ, she knew God loved her in an incredible way, she was free to be who God called her to be, and she lived connected to the heart of God. It took all of 5 minutes for me to say, “I want what she has!” It became my passion to learn everything I could from her. The questions I had for her were endless. The answers and suggestions she had for me were endless as well.
A student/teacher relationship has the most powerful results when the desire to learn and the passion to teach are both present. The thing I wanted to learn the most from my “teacher” was how to have a walk with God like hers. I wanted to know how to go to God with my needs. I wanted to allow God to give me my identity. I wanted to know what it was like to talk to God and hear Him speak to me as well. I wanted God’s Word to come alive to me. I wanted God to be everything to me! And these were the very things she was willing to teach me.
For two years she mentored me and it was intense. Many emails, phone calls, and discussions later I had taken in more information than I knew what to do with. She had poured life lessons into me and I walked equipped for a journey I had no idea I was about to enter. There came a time though when she stepped back as my mentor and placed me in God’s classroom. My first reaction was terror because of how dependent I had become on her. But with time I saw the necessity of her decision. For in order to have what I first saw in her I had to learn to look to God as my Teacher. Ultimately for me, walking with God was only possible when there was no longer another source to whom I could look.
Jesus’ words of being like my teacher are an encouragement to me when I see God as my Teacher. No amount of rubbing shoulders with others will give me what God desires to give me on His own….one on one!
Father, the most painful time in my life has led me into a relationship with You that I never dreamed was possible. Thank you for the wisdom of a mentor who knew when to step back and place me under Your instruction. Teach me! Amen.
Available Now
I will pour out water on the thirsty land and streams on the dry ground. I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring and My blessing on your descendants. Isaiah 44:3
I find it interesting that God sends the refreshment of water and streams to the thirsty and dry places. Each of us have times when we are in a spiritual desert place. God does not say, "Hold on and as soon as you get through this season I have refreshment waiting for you." NO! He is a loving heavenly Father who refreshes us IN THE MIDST of the desert and wilderness. I have experienced this very thing many times.
Not too long ago, I found myself in a place of doubt, discouragement, condemnation, and fear. I don't like being there! When it is over I can see where the attacks come from and who is behind them. But in the midst of such times I cannot see it. I rest in the fact that as I mature in my faith I will see what is happening when it is happening. Even so, God is faithful to send refreshment.
He uses encouraging emails from friends who say they are praying for me. Those reminders bring tears to my eyes because I have come to experience the comfort and strength of such prayers. Refreshment comes from a good night’s sleep. As I wake throughout the night I am able to ask God to once again hold me and help me. By morning my strength is renewed. There is also the music. Musical reminders of God's presence, guidance, and love!
As I write this, I know I am still facing circumstances that are uncomfortable but I feel like I have come upon a well. I have stopped for a moment, drawn some living water, and taken a long, deep drink. I reflect upon the love of God and friends and once again sense the nearness of Christ. I know the attacks from the enemy will come again but each time a well awaits me.
Father, many times You have ministered to me in special ways. May Your voice always be more apparent than the voice of my enemy. Amen.
Monday, February 13, 2006
A Victor Instead of a Victim
That they may see and recognize, and consider and gain insight as well, that the hand of the LORD has done this, and the Holy One of Israel has created it. Isaiah 41:20
It is a comforting thought to see God's involvement in our lives. Many people live under the dread of feeling they are victims to the control of others. I can think of many Bible characters who could have easily felt like pawns and puppets forced to endure other people's treatments, whims, and choices for their lives. Joseph from the Old Testament and Paul from the New Testament easily come to mind as well as Jesus Himself. But each was able to see God's fingerprints in every circumstance and situation they found themselves in. They desired to keep their eyes on Him until the full story was revealed.
I know God is up to something in my life as well as in my family. How reassuring that He wants me to see His hand and creation in all of it. I may not be able to trust every person I come into contact with. I may not enjoy the consequences of my choices and other people's actions and choices toward me and for me, but there is a peace and strength that come from realizing they are not really in control. Compared to God, they have small parts in the drama of my life.
It is an amazing feeling to realize I no longer feel like a nobody in God's kingdom. Like a lost face in a crowd. Each one of us holds a special place in God's heart and mind. We are precious and unique to Him. I don't want to miss any part of His plan for my life. I want to sense that each day is an adventure with Him. Each difficulty is an opportunity to draw close to Him and be strengthened by Him. If I go through a situation now and feel attacked I know He will not reject me. When I face the uncertainties of life I know He is my security. In His kingdom, in His hands, and in His design I am not a victim ~ I am a victor!
Father, I am Yours and my life is Yours. I love You. I trust You. Amen.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Making A Visit
Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new. Now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? Isaiah 43:18 & 19
It is important to understand the purpose behind God's words. Some would look at this verse and conclude we are never to recall things that have happened to us in the past. They live with the mindset that their past does not matter, is not important, and is to stay buried. I certainly lived life that way for years.
That is until I came to realize how much of the healing in my present can only be accomplished as I go back and see where I have been wounded. What were the actions, attitudes, and words that shaped the way I think about myself, others, and God? As things happened to me, the enemy of my soul was more than ready to tell me what it all meant. For years, I bought his interpretations and story lines. I accepted the lies.
Part of my own healing process has come by revisiting the past and asking God to rewrite the messages of events and words. I have also had to ask Him to show me where He was when things happened to me. The pictures of Him standing close by have helped tremendously.
Once this process is complete and I have His message to embrace I am free to behold the new work He is doing in me. The goal is to deal thoroughly with the past so I can mentally, emotionally, and spiritually move forward. I will know this has taken place when there is a sense of release and freedom within.
When I refuse to go back and allow God to reveal and heal wounds, I simply allow infection to be sealed over with a scab. It is still there and it is still doing damage. The same is true of past sins. I must go back and allow Him to walk me through the process of receiving His forgiveness and cleansing. Then I can move forward. No more beating myself up over what He has dealt with.
Father, You are teaching me how to walk in freedom and how to embrace truth. Within Your classroom I am safe, secure, and settled. Amen.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
A Choice of Habitations
Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort: Thou hast given commandment to save me; for Thou art my rock and my fortress. Psalm 71:3
I went for a walk last night and had an encouraging time with God. I felt close to Him, strong in spirit, and at peace. It was “our” time together and I was enjoying the moment. Toward the end of the walk I asked Him what it was He wanted me to take with me from our time together. His answer was incredible! He simply said, “Remember this place with Me. Come to it as often as you want.” No second invitation was needed. My heart just wanted to stay in that place all night and that is just what I did.
When I saw this verse this morning I realized it was the capstone of what I had experienced last night. My place of abiding, my place of resting must be found with my Father. If I am in turmoil or distress I can make that my place of habitation. I can also make worry, anger, discouragement, and a host of other emotions my habitation. Being with people can become my habitation. They can become the places I frequent and remain in far too often and far too long.
I must be careful about making a habit out of inhabiting the wrong places. My mind can so easily take me to wrong thoughts, wrong motives, and wrong memories. The consequence will be turmoil for my spirit. The longer I stay the worse it will get. But I have a choice to either not go there in the first place or leave it to find my habitation with God.
I must choose to do what David did on a continual basis. As I desire to go to that place throughout each day it will become a habit for me and something I will eventually do instinctively. It doesn’t take a fancy prayer or a long time of meditation. When I simply tell God, “I want to go to our place” He knows what I mean and I am instantly there.
It is imperative that I see the importance of resorting to this place no matter what my mood or circumstances might be. I can come with joy and I can come with tears. I can come during difficult moments or events of great delight. In April I have two events I am planning to attend. During the events I can whisper to God that I want to go to our place. That way the events become yet another personal time with Him.
Father, David spoke much of dwelling places. May You become mine! Amen.
Friday, February 10, 2006
The End of the Story
Behold, all those who are angered at you will be shamed and dishonored; those who contend with you will be as nothing and will perish. Isaiah 41:11
Scripture is full of examples when God reveals to us the end of the stories. Once He has declared it, we can rest in its reality. Just as surely as He has written down a victorious ending for his children, He has also recorded the defeat of those who oppose us ~ especially the enemy of our soul.
Satan loves to mock us when the circumstances of our life overwhelm us. A friend of mine shared with me a list of arrows Satan uses to wound and injure us. Allow me to share the arrows and their definitions:
Doubt ~ Makes you question God's Word and His goodnessDiscouragement ~ Makes you look at your problems rather than at GodDiversion ~ Makes the wrong things seem attractive so that you will want them more than the right things
Defeat ~ Makes you feel like a failure so that you don't even tryDelay ~ Makes you put off doing something so that it never gets done
I must admit that doubt, discouragement, and defeat are the arrows he has been attacking me with recently. But God has given me some darts and a shield of my own to use against his tactics. I can now remind him of his own demise.
When it comes to people, this verse shows me the outcome of their attacks. If they walk in emptiness and blindness they may unknowingly be on the attack against me. Even Jesus had many such individuals in His life when He walked on this earth. So did many of the people we read about in Scripture. God will faithfully carry out the "end of the story" for their words and actions. While I joy to show Satan his end, the scenario changes when it comes to people.
I am called upon to pray for them and bless them. To ask that God's goodness and favor be upon their lives. Why? Because God desires to work in them just like He works in me. He is poised and desirous to bring about change in their life. When that happens their words and actions will change.
Father, You have written the end of the story in very dramatic fashion! Continue to be the Author and Finisher of my faith. Amen.
Friendship At Its Best
You are My witnesses, declares the LORD, and My servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe Me and understand that I am He. Before me there was no God formed, and there will be none after Me. Isaiah 43:10
Friendships are built on mutual interest in each other. We come across new acquaintances all the time. Some remain merely acquaintances. Conversations remain shallow and deep heart sharing never takes place. Some acquaintances become friendships. You recognize each other in passing, smile, and have brief conversations. Then there are the intimate friendships. You have shared with them parts of your story that few people have heard.
I love making new, deep friendships. I can tell when a friendship moves to that level because I am filled with a desire to really get to know the person. I want to hear their story so I can begin to see how their life was shaped. I want to hear of their blessings as well as their wounds. When I am allowed to see where they have been hurt and what hardships they have been through, and when they see the same revelations about me, there is a closeness and bonding that is experienced. I never feel we know everything about each other. There is the continual desire to just keep knowing them better and to be known better by them.
God is no different. He chooses us so that we can begin to know Him, believe Him, and understand who He really is. The day I opened Scripture and said, "God, show me Your heart," was the day God became a deep Friend rather than a mere acquaintance. He knows me thoroughly and wants me to know Him as well. I want to be passionate about Him. I want to feel each talk we have is like opening a treasure chest of His heart.
Father, may I hunger and thirst after You. Share the secrets of Your heart with me. The best human relationships I have are mere shadows of what I can have with You. Amen.
Thursday, February 9, 2006
A Continual Process
And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. Luke 2:52
If ever there was a verse I would want to hang over my life it would have to be this one. If ever there was a verse to pray over my life and the life of my loved ones it would have to be this one as well. It is fascinating to see the effect of inserting one’s own name in a verse. I did it with Luke 2:52 and would encourage others to do it as well. And _________ kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. My desire is that daily those words would be alive in me and become my quintessence.
This verse reminds me that mental, physical, social, and spiritual growth was a continual process for Jesus while He lived on this earth. Therefore it is a continual process for me as well. None of those areas are a culmination of a one time event. There is never a point in this life where one can sit back and say, “I am finished learning, growing, and developing in my mind, soul, or spirit.” There is always room and necessity for more!
These same words of growth were spoken of Samuel as a child. He grew in the presence of the LORD (spiritually), in stature (physically), and in favor with God (spiritually) and men (socially). As a child! And look at the profound impact he had on an entire nation in his adult life! Our spiritual growth will ultimately affect others. Our internal world affects our external world. So if you are one who is experiencing growth in your Christian life, anticipate the manifestation of that growth in tangible outward ways.
As you draw near to God, spend time with Him, and make Him the focal point of your life, people will notice! Just like Moses’ face shined when he came away from meeting with God, your countenance will display the rich relationship you have with your heavenly Father. It will change the way you interact with others and even the times you are alone. May we keep growing!
Father, continually cultivate, nurture, and develop in me the essence of Yourself. As I stand in someone’s presence may Your presence in my life be evident. Amen.
Sunday, February 5, 2006
A Good Example to Follow
Then Hezekiah took the letter from the hand of the messengers and read it, and he went up to the house of the LORD and spread it out before the LORD. 2 Kings 19:14
Hezekiah knew what to do with the threats brought to him by the enemy. Sennacherib, king of Assyria, flexed his muscles and his mouth, proclaimed his supposed victory, reviewed his past victories, and dared anyone to defeat him. His arrogance was as evident as his ego was inflated. His scare tactics were delivered with intimidation and lies. It had worked before and he was confident it would work again. The only problem was this time he was coming against the living God who was poised to defend His people and God’s servant who trusted in that defense.
Hezekiah had no problem taking the threatening letter out of the hand of a messenger and placing it into the hand of the God of the universe. He knew he served the one, true God. He knew his God loved His people and would fight for them. It is obvious that Hezekiah was a man of prayer. He knew how to come to God with confidence and to spread out the specifics of his situation.
How well do we do at times of turmoil in our own lives? How quick are we to take our situations to God with an expectancy that He desires to act on our behalf? Hezekiah leaves me an example to follow, because I love and serve the same God he loved and served. What is it I can learn from my ancestor of Bible times?
Prayer is a weapon of offense! I must learn to take everything to God and anticipate His loving response to me. Just like with Hezekiah‘s prayers, my prayers move God to act on my behalf. Nothing is too hard for God. Nothing is beyond His reach. As I place my situations, worries, and problems in His hands I can rest assured He will handle things in the right way. I trust His heart! Although He may not always act in the way I want, I know He is always loving, always good, always right, and always in control.
Whatever it is I bring to Him today, His hands are already reaching out to take hold of it. I am not bothering Him with my requests. I am inviting Him to intervene on my behalf and interact in my life.
Father, You are still God! Your Word shows me Your interaction with Your creation. You are still that personal, that involved, and that willing to act on my behalf today. I come to You! Amen.
Thursday, February 2, 2006
A Limited and Temporary Transaction
And the devil said to him, “I will give You all this domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.” Luke 4:6
This verse literally sent chills up my back! To think that any part of God’s creation would be handed over to such a one as Satan is tragic. I think of world leaders like Hitler, Saddam Hussein, and Stalin and I see what they did during their rule. When they held such power in their hands they took life instead of giving it. They devastated their own people instead of blessing them. Their rule was based on greed and self promotion. Those under their “care” were used, abused, and discarded. So horrible were their crimes against humanity that any footage shown is hard to watch. But they simply reflected the one who gave them their kingdoms to rule. They served him well and pleased him immensely.
I cringe when I realize what Satan gives away was at one time handed over to him. There is no recorded place in Scripture where this transaction took place so we can only surmise. I am assuming the kingdoms of this world were delivered to him when Adam and Eve chose to sin in the Garden of Eden. At some point, he became the possessor of something that was not originally intended for him. The Bible says all things were created by and for God.
There is no doubt he is the prince of the power of the air as well as the ruler of darkness. From the moment he rebelled against God as one of God’s most beautiful creations, his intent has been to destroy anything he can get his hands on. And his prime target is that which was created in the image of God…men and women.
But today we must realize the very things that Satan himself already knows. His rule is limited and temporary. Limited in the fact that he can only be in one place at a time and that he still must seek God’s permission for certain acts (as in the case of Job). Temporary in the fact that one day his influence on God’s creation will come to an end. He knows he has so little time left in comparison to eternity. But he also knows that because of Calvary we have been given authority to come against him in what is called spiritual warfare. May we take that authority seriously.
Father, all is not lost. Help us to see the truth about Your enemy and ours. Greater is the One in us than the one that is in the world. Amen.
Wednesday, February 1, 2006
A Tool for Encouragement
Each one helps his neighbor and says to his brother, "Be strong!" So the craftsman encourages the smelter, and he who smoothes metal with the hammer encourages him who beats the anvil, saying of the soldering, "It is good," and he fastens it with nails, so that it will not totter. Isaiah 41:6:7
Oh that we would begin to encourage others with the same passion as these idolaters encouraged one another!
Recently I have begun to realize the power of spoken words. I find that when I speak truth out loud, it has a way of shifting my inner world for good. And there have been numerous times a word of encouragement has been spoken to me by a friend that has been life giving.
Each of us has the power to speak life or death over other people's lives. We speak life whenever we quote portions of Scripture, speak truths about God, speak positive words over a person, or speak hope into situations. We speak death when our words are critical, abusive, negative, or insensitive.
Last week, God lead me to write a two page letter to my husband. At present, he walks in discomfort over circumstances in his life that are out of his control. I know what God is doing. He is using all of it to help Tim find his security, identity, and refuge in Christ. I wrote the letter to speak truth and life into his soul. It will be the platform for future conversations with him. My own journey over the past two years will become a reference point for me.
Whether it is my husband, a family member, a dear friend, or an acquaintance, may I take each interaction with them to verbally encourage them. It WILL make a difference for them. I saw it work in my own life and still do.
Father, may my mouth be Your tool to encourage others. Amen.
A Necessary Change
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. Matthew 7:12
God’s principles are such that they don’t always come naturally to us. We live in a world where needs run high, expectations run deep, and longings run rampant. How easy it is to live our lives looking for others to fix us, heal us, encourage us, affirm us, carry us, restore us, and just plain love us. While we are looking to receive, God is urging us to give.
I have often looked at a verse like Matthew 7:12 and limited its meaning to treating people the way I want to be treated. The idea (in my thinking) was that if I do that they will reciprocate. In a sense, I am simply giving to get. God’s ways are higher!
Last night this verse hit me in a way I have not been able to escape. I have pondered it through out the night and it still has my attention this morning. What is God doing with it? He is causing me to search my heart and ask myself what it is I am looking for others to do or be for me. Then He is taking that “list” and helping me to see the necessity of doing and being exactly that to others. For instance, start encouraging others, speak affirming words to others, be upbeat and positive toward others, show an interest in others, nurture others. Why? So they will in turn be that way toward me? No! That would mean I am dependent on them and connected to them to meet my deepest heart needs. God knows that is an endless cycle and doesn’t work.
My Christian life is meant to be such that I live so connected to the heart of God that He fulfills the needs of my heart. As I take in what He has to offer me on a daily basis I am free to then live for others out of ministry instead of deprivation, hunger, and emptiness. God will give me what people are unable or unwilling to give, and out of the abundance of what He gives me I can turn around and lavish it on others. This is a new thought for me and one that is meant to change the way I have been living in relationship to others. May God guide me in the process of seeing it become a reality!
Father, I am catching a glimpse of one of Your principles this morning that is about to revolutionize my life. May I live out its truths today! Amen.